Chapter 7

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"You've been here since this morning!" I yelled at the Russian, "Go away!"

"нет, I do not want to go home yet," Ivan said calmly

"Why not! Its 10pm, go home! I wanna sleep, and I don't want you here while I do," I yelled again.

"I'll leave, but I'm coming over again, Da," Ivan said happily, getting of my couch and walking over the door. He turned to me smiling his creepy smile, "Da?"

"Fine, but get out!"

He left .

"Thank the hot chocolate God," I sighed, falling onto my chair. I sighed and closed my eyes, listening to sweet silence. Scar was already asleep on her mat.

I sighed again and got up off the chair. I walked into my room Scar following somehow sensing I was heading off to bed. I changed out of my clothes and changed into my Pj's. I flopped onto my bed, laying there in till I noticed I left the lights on. I got up shut them off and flopped back into my bed.

I woke up the next morning to a loud banging at my front door and Scar barking like a mad dog. I regrettably got up and snapped at Scar, telling her to shut up. I then threw on a oversized sweatshirt and walked to the door. I would see who It was then make my decision to open the door.

I looked through the peak-hole in the door. Ivan was standing on my porch. Not letting him in sounded very appealing to me, but I remember what I had said last night so I unlocked my door and opened it up for him.

"I'm going back to bed," I told him, "Feel free to do whatever you want."

"Ok," he answered back.

I walked into my room and flopped back into bed. I pulled the covers up to my chin, and stared at the ceiling. Sleep never came. I knew from the start I probably couldn't get back to sleep, but I needed to at least try. I sighed and got back out of bed.

I grabbed some clothes - not caring if they'd look good together, I don't plan on seeing anyone and it's only Ivan - and walked into the master bath. I took a quick shower, towel dried myself then dressed. I didn't want to do anything special with my hair - not like I do anyway - so I just used a crocodile clamp to keep my hair off my clothes.

Sighing, I walked out of my room. Ivan was sitting on the couch with a bottle of Vodka in his hand - big surprise there.

When he saw me, he stared. Pretty creepily I might add. His indigo eyes piercing my ordinary hot chocolate colored eyes. Hey, maybe that's why I love hot chocolate.

I waved shyly and walked over to the stove. I grabbed the box of cheep cocoa powder and some milk. I poured some milk into a small pot and put the heat on low. I grabbed a mug and put too spoonfuls of cocoa into the cup. I stirred the milk in till I saw steam rise, I then poured it into the cup and stirred it. I took a sip - perfect. Putting the spoon in the sink I went over to my chair where I watched the outside world.

The whole time Ivan was watching me... Creepy. Deciding to break the silence that had settle between us I asked a question.

"Why are you here?" I asked bluntly.

He looked to me, waited a few seconds then smiled his creepy smile. You know what, I'm just going to call it the creeper smile. Yes, I know, very creative.

"Because my sisters are visiting," He answered.

"You mean Kat?" I asked again.

"No, my younger sister," He answered again.

"Ok... Why are you here then?"

His face fell and he started to curl up.

"Um, you Ok?"

He stayed silent.


"She wants to marry me..."

"Well... I don't know how to answer," I answered nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders.

Silence settled between us again. Ivan returned to normal and drank his vodka while I calmly drank my hot chocolate. Eventually I got bored and picked up a book that was nearby. I flipped through the almost finished book.

Soon I did finish it. I set the book down and looked outside.

What to do? What to do?

Looking to the floor where Scar was lying peacefully, I got it.

"Ivan, we're going for a walk," I yelled, jumping up from the chair.

He looked up from his empty vodka bottle (wow, that makes him sound like an alcoholic) "What?"

"Scar needs to be walked, so let's go," I clarified, "So get off your butt."

He sighed but obeyed. Putting on my coat, boots, gloves, and precious toque I slipped out the door. Scar who at some point had heard the word 'walk', was now excited and playing in the snow. Once Ivan was ready we headed off. We went into the opposite direction of Ivan's house and walking towards town. Not that we would go into town.

"So, why am I forced to come?" I van asked.

"Because I'm not leaving you in my house unattended," I answered simply, shoving my hands into my coat pockets.

We went around the corner when we heard someone say something. Ivan froze and I stopped and looked to him. He didn't move, stood there like statue.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He didn't answer.

"Brother..." the voice said again.


I know, late update (not that I have a specific date of publication <---- is that even a word.

So, I'm sorry again.


Hope ya'll enjoy.


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