Chapter 4

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Prince and I sat in the living room watching cartoons while I ate a large bowl of veggie soup and garlic bread. I could feel Prince watching me with every spoonful of soup I put in my mouth. It was extremely uncomfortable and I felt that I was a giraffe on display at the Minnesota state zoo.

  "Ummmm you know I can tell you if I want seconds. I can still use my words ya know." I said raising the spoon to my lips again.

Prince turned his head to a slight tilt as he sat and watched. I really wished he'd stop. It was weird and crazy.

  "Can you please watch the smurfs and not me?"

He just kept staring at me. I wanted to hit him. Dropping the spoon back into to bowl I stared right back at him.

"What?" He asked with a cheesy smile.

"Don't what me Nelson! Why are you looking at me like I'm some zoo animal?" I snapped.

  "I'm not! I'm just......looking around you!"

As I was parting my lips to say something to him I couldn't find anything to say to keep him from looking at me. I shook my head and grabbed the spoon.

  "How's the soup?" He asked.

  "It's good! I wish it was spicy though." I said as I ate some more.

  "You can't have spicy stuff remember it could set you off." Prince said in a worried tone.

Once again I dropped the spoon into the bowl and sighed.

  "Yeah I know. Suddenly I'm not so hungry anymore." I said sadly.

  "Awww Mouse I'm....I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

  "It's cool. You're just looking out for me that's all."

He sat and watched as a tear began to run down my face.

  "Did you find out alone?" He asked as he reached over and wiped it away.

I didn't say anything. I just nodded.

  "I wish you didn't have to. I shouldn't have pushed you away when you needed me."

  "I told you don't blame yourself. This was not your fault."

  "Yeah well how can I not? We're supposed to be together forever."

  "And we will! Maybe it won't be in the physical sense but we will. Stop worrying about me. I have a felling I can beat this without treatments. I just.....I have to find a way. I may want to give up but.....I'm not and I won't. I still wanna get to Paris before I die. See the Eiffel Tower and eat a lot of French foods. Maybe even get my dream kiss there."

Prince had a smile on his face that could fill the room.

  "What?" I asked him confused.

  "I think that could be arranged." He said with a childish giggle.

  "What are you talking about nerd? You can't pull that off can you?"

  "You must not remember who you're talking to mama! All you gotta do is say the word! I'm not that poor kid next door no more."

  "No you're not but you still can't pull that off in one day! It's impossible!"

  "Are you doubting me Mouse? I feel like you have no faith in me." He said with a smile.

  "I have faith in you. Just not tonight."

Prince couldn't help himself. He just sat there smiling as the wheels in the big head of his kept turning.

  "So tomorrow we go to Paris? What do you say?"

  "Ummmm don't you go on tour in a few weeks? Can't it wait until after you come back?" I giggled.

  "We might not be together by then." He said sadly.

  "Stop talking like that yes we will!" I snapped.

Prince jumped as I raised my voice at him. I was tired of feeling sad about being sick and I didn't want to see him hurt anymore.

  "I can't imagine how you feel right now. And how strong you are. You really think you can beat it?" He asked as he ran a hand through my hair.

  "I don't think I know." I said as I flashed him a smile.

Prince smiled back at me as his face seemed happier than it did a few moments ago.

  "Good! Because I'm sure you won't be eating this then no will ya?" He said as snatched my garlic bread.

  "HEY! That's mine!" I shouted.

  "Not anymore it ain't!"

Prince took the hugest bite out of my bread as he watched my face turn pink with anger.

  "YOU SUCK!" I shouted at him.

He laughed nearly choking himself on the food in his mouth as his thoughts were becoming explicit.

  "Don't say it troll I know!" I said to him as I sat my bowl down on the table.

I got up and head for the door when he stopped me.

  "Wait! Where ya going?" He asked.

  "Getting more garlic bread." I yelled back as I was half way down the hall.

Before I got to the top of the steps I could hear footsteps before I knew it Prince was right behind me.

  "I'm coming with you." He said with a smile.

  "What are you my shadow?"

  "I am!"

A smile grew on my face as I rolled my eyes. We went down the steps and walked back to the kitchen. Since I felt like being stingy I grabbed a plate and took all of the slices of garlic bread from the tray.

  "What are you doing mouse?" Prince asked as he watched.

  "Getting my share. Remember those cookies my mom made for US that YOU ate?"

  "Still won't let that go will you?"

  "Nope! And I'm not going to! So get over it!"

I winked at him and left out of the kitchen with him following right behind me.

  "You better share mouse I'm not kidding!" He giggled as he came out behind me.

All the jokes and giggles soon came to a vault when we came back through the lobby to find the one and only Morris Day standing at the desk.

  "Hi Morris!" I said excited to see him.

He gave me a smile as I went to hug him.

  "How are you?" I asked him trying to break the tension that was now clear in the room.

  "I'm alright. How are you though?" He asked with a sad tone.

  "I'm ok for now but I'll be alright." I said doing my best to give him a convincing smile.

Prince stood and scowled at his former friend with a sour face.

  "What do you want?" Prince hissed at Morris.

  "I came here to smooth things over with you man. Can we talk?"

Prince didn't say anything he just walked away. I took Morris by the hand and we followed behind him. Maybe now I'll finally find out what's been going on between these two.

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