Chapter 5

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As we followed behind Prince to his office he plopped down in his chair behind the desk and folded his hands like this was about to be some type of formal business meeting. Morris went in and sat down on the other side as I closed the door. The air in the room felt like it was being sucked out the moment I let go of the knob.

"Here we go." I thought to myself looking at the two friends that are now squaring off and staring each other down angrily. I sat Dow just as Prince leaned over the desk and adjusted himself in his chair for what was about to be a tense moment.

"What's this about Morris?" He asked in a cold tone.

Morris sighed before he poured out his feelings on the desk between them.

"Look Skip I came by becau-"

Prince quickly cut him off rudely by raising a finger at him.

"Only my friends call me that."

This guy can't be serious. I'm sure Morris was containing himself from knocking Prince right on his face after that. If he didn't feel like that I damn sure did. The room feel into an awkward silence before Prince and his cold hearted tone broke it.

"Time is money Morris start talkin'." He snapped.

Now I was mad and this wasn't even my fight.

"Alright his royal rudeness that's enough." I said shooting out of my chair and into Prince's face from the other side of his desk.

"Stop treating him like he's beneath you! He came him to apologize for whatever it is he's done so give him a chance and stop being a baby!"

"Regan stay out of this." He said drawing his honey browns away from my face and onto Morris.

"Why? You gonna charge me by the second too?" I hissed.

Prince looked at me with a sad look on his face because he knew I caught him being in the wrong as usual and got on his case about it.

"Can you give us a minute alone mouse?" Morris asked.

My face gave off a stunned look as my eyes widened a little.

"With the head asshole in charge? Hell no!" I said as I turned to a now mad Prince who hated when I really let him have it when he knew he screwed up.

"If does so much as look at you wrong i'll do him a few favors and slap the black on him."

Morris chuckled under his breath as Prince snapped his face up to me mine with a look of surprise at how pissed I was for letting his good friend sit there and torpedoing him for at the moment seemed to be no reason.

"Thanks for being on my side." Prince mumbled as he crossed his arms like the small child he was portraying.

"Gladly! Now act right and talk to him Nelson."

Walking back to my seat Morris stuck his hand out for a quick hi five.

"My girl!" He said softly.

"You're welcome." I replied sitting down next to him.

Prince sat scowling at the two of up but quickly straightened up the moment he caught my disapproving glare of his behavior. He quickly changed his demeanor and relaxed his body before he spoke in a now softer tone.

"Look Morris I know you want to keep your contract with Warner but I'm trying to protect your livelihood. They're taking us for a ride with that contract and your masters aren't yours! I wrote for you too remember?"

"That may be the case but I'm not the one with the issue. I'm cool with it right now and I'm getting paid."

"Are you?"

Morris looked nearly defeated at this point. He didn't want to admit at Warner was actually bleeding him dry but his pride wouldn't dare let Prince know he was wrong. Knowing that WB records was jippimg their artist I already had an idea of what they were arguing about but now it's been confirmed. Morris sighed and asked Prince a question.

"Does Regan know about Mayte?"

Prince looked like his soul left him. The blank stare of guilt on his face caused me to give a delightful smirk.

"Ah so that's the belly dancing broads name." I grinned

Prince covered his face and slumped down his his chair.

"Don't get bashful on me! That's who you were with for my graduation. Wasn't it?" I giggled at him.

"Morris. Get out." Prince said still covering his face as he pointed to the door.

"Sorry man. I thought she knew her name." Morris said defending himself.

  "You don't have to go Morris he's just kidding." I said.

  "So are we cool? Can we come to some type of agreement?"

Prince stood up from behind the desk and put his hand out. Morris stood up and shook Prince's hand with a smile.

  "Now that's better! My babies are finally getting along!" I jokingly squealed.

I put an arm around the both of them happily as Prince gave me a smile.

  "So I guess we should invite everyone else to the love fest now?" I asked.

  "The rest of the guys are on their way." Prince said.

  "What about Rene?" I asked.

  "The crazy bitch???" Morris yelled.

  "Yes the crazy bitch." I said.

  "We kinda have something's to discuss now that Regan is back." Prince replied.

  "Yeah? Like what?" Morris asked.

Prince and I looked at each other then looked at Morris.

  "We'll cross that bridge when we get there." I sadly said.

I decided to let them talk and left out of the office to get changed into something more appropriate for tonight's reunion that made me look like the happier version of myself and not scream look at me I'm dying. Tonight was going to be hard to get through especially for the guys because none of them knew what was going on and it was going to change the dynamics of our group forever. The one person that I knew was going to take the hardest was Andre. He was the one I'd rather not tell at all.

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