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Aliyah Pov

"Daddy" I looked at the way her eyes lit.

"DADDY!!" she ran to him. He picked her up.

"Hey baby girl." he smiled.

"Daddy are u staying for dinner?"

"If its ok with mommy." he looked at me. Then she looked at me.

"Can he mommy?" I nodded. "Yay, I have mommy and now daddy." she hugged him.

I felt so bad keeping her away from him. But I still don't approve of his line of work.

I walked into the kitchen. I finished cooking. I fixed plates. I made chicken and fries.

I don't have a dining table so we eat in the living room.

"Come to eat." they both run in. I set the food on the coffee table. I and Emerald sat on the floor and scooted up to the table.

I looked at Jamal and he had a confused face.

"I don't have a dining table so this is how we eat." he shrugged his shoulders and sat beside me.

We all ate and talked. After we ate I cleaned up. Then I and Jamal worked on our project.

While we were working on our project Jamal phone rang.

"Hello" "...." "yea man I'll be there soon." "...." "one". He looked at me. "Aye, I'll come back tomorrow if its alright with you?"

"Yea. Yea. It's fine. And umm I'm sorry for not telling you about Emerald. I should have told you."

"It's alright. You don't want her in this drama I have and I don't blame you. I just least wanted a chance to know I had a child."

"I'm so sorry"

"I told you its alright."

"Bye Daddy," Emerald said yawning.

"Bye baby imma come back tomorrow to play with you ok."

"Ok." she reached for me and I grabbed her and she landed on my shoulder.

"I'll see you tomorrow Liya." I walked him to the door. I watched him get in his car and leave. I went back to Emerald's room and put her to sleep. I went and got in my night clothes and went to sleep.

Jamal Pov

I can believe I got a daughter. She looks just like me too. I wanted to stay but I don't want to push my limits. Plus I don't even think ya like me that.

She bout her family and money. I respect that. I just drove to my trap.

I walked in and seen my boy, Kalvin.

"Wassup ray."

"Nun chilling wbu?"

"Ughh. I just found out I got a kid man." he looked at me sideways.

"What? The man better takes a DNA test." I pulled out my phone and showed him a pic of Emerald. "Nevermind" he laughed.

"Yea man. I got my, lil girl. Guess who the mama is?"

"Who? It better not is kelly brush."

"Naw man. U remember shawty I hooked up with at the freshmen party 3 years ago?" he thought about it.

"DAMN...aye bruh least she fine."

We sat there and chilled and handled a few folks about my money. I smoked some and then went home.

I got in and changed and got into my bed. Before I went to sleep my phone buzzed.

I looked at it. It was Kelly. I ain't got time for her. I left her on D and went to sleep.

*Next Day*

I woke up. I did my hygiene. Then I put on my clothes.

 Then I put on my clothes

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I went downstairs. I fixed me a hot pocket and drove to Liya house. I walked up to the door. I knocked. She opened the door.

"Jamal was here. Its 10 on a Saturday," she said in her pj's. Damn she fine. I licked my lips.

"Why you always licking those lips of yours?"

I chuckled. "Cuz I do that when I see fine gulls."

"Boy bye." she let me in. I walked to the baby girl room.

I walked in and seen her playing with her dolls. She saw me and her eyes lit.

"DADDY!!" she ran to me. I picked her and swung her around.

"Heyy baby girl how are u?"

"Good daddy." I smiled. I still can't believe that I have a daughter.

I walked into the kitchen to find Liyah cooking. She a had on some joggers and a tank top.

I can see her ass in the jogger.

"Damn" she turned around and mugged me. "What?"

"Curse in front of my daughter again we went fight." she took Emerald and sat her on the floor.

She put her food on the floor and turn on the tv. She fixed two more plates and sat them on the coffee table and sat down.

She looked at me. "You gonna just stand there or are gonna sit and eat?" she laughed.

I sat down and ate with my family.

Emerald in mm

A Thug's BabyMama (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now