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*2 weeks later*

Jamal Pov

It's been two weeks since I heard or seen from Liyah. I guess she really gave me the kids. I just can't believe her.

Why would she choose a nigga that is cheating on her over her family? I am so angry with her.

I was sitting in bed just watching tv with junior when Em came in the room.

"Daddy, can we go get ice cream?" I nodded. She ran back in her room and got ready I went and got Junior ready.

I just threw on some clothes. Then I grabbed Emerald and walked to the car.

I drove to the ice cream polar next door to the mall. We went in and got a booth.

I went up to the counter and ordered the ice cream. I paid and walked back to the booth by the window.

I gave em hers and feed Junior and at on mines. "So Em u how are u in school?"

"Good. I know and a lot of stuff." she looked out the window. "MOMMY!" I looked and seen Liyah.

She had a busted lip. She looked dead at us. Em was on the window. I saw tears in both of there eyes.

Then I saw that nigga Aaron. He yanked Liyah arm and mugged me. They got in the car and drove off.

Is Wtf going on?

I sat there thinking.

Liyah would never give up her kids.

Then it hit. That nigga Aaron. I grabbed my kids and rushed out of the shop.

I dropped them off at Liyah moms house. She told me that she hasn't spoken to Liyah either.

Now I know. Liyah never goes a day without talking to her mom. I drove to her apartment.

I ran up and knocked on the door. No answered. I kicked the door in and ran inside. I didn't see anyone.

I took my gun out and looked around. I went to every room. I looked everywhere I didn't see her or that nigga Aaron.

I walked in the living room and seen a note

U want that bitch back
Bring me 350,000
@ 93 st in the northern alleyway.

Wtf. Why he got my gurll? I threw away the paper and left out of the house. I got in my car and drove off.

I pulled up to my trap and walked in. I went to my office and called everyone in.

They all came in and sat down in chairs or stood up.

"Listen. I want this nigga found."I put up a pic of Eric on the screen. They nodded. "He got my gurl. I want him found and got. Don't take any chances. If u find him bring him here. Understood?" they nodded.

I walked out of the room and drove to liyah moms house. I knocked on the door. she came and let me in.

I walked in the house and walked up to the room the kids in. I laid down on the bed. I have had a rough day.

I just want my baby back in my arms.

Liyah Pov

*Month later*

I was sitting in this dirty room. I was scared and I just wanted to hold my babies. I miss them so much. I can't believe Aaron did this to me. I hate him.

I took out my thoughts when the door opened. In walked Eric.
"Heyy baby." I spit in his face. He chuckled then slapped me in the face. "Do something like that again imma make sure u die before That nigga gets to u." and walked out of the room.

I cried. I wish some will hurry and help me. I looked at the door and he left it cracked.


I got up and walked to the door. I walked out of the room and went upstairs.

I saw Eric kissing on a girl. They were in their own world. I see a bag full of money. I took it and stuck to a door.

I got outside and didn't recognize where I was. I started to run. I didn't know where I was going I just ran.

I saw a lil gas station so I stopped there. I went in and bought a sweatshirt and some gym shorts. And a hat.

I walked out. I saw a black car roll up. I head in the bushes. I saw Eric get out with a frustrated look.

He walked in the store. I heard yelling.


"I told u no." Eric walked out of the store and got in his car and drove off. I walked to the back and the owner was outside.

"Thank u." I gave him a stack. He nodded and walked back in the store.

I walked to the bus station. I went in and walked up to the front desk.

"Excuse me, ma'am, where am I?"

"U don't know?" I shook my head. "You're in Mexico Ma'am." she giggled.

I froze. How did I get to Mexico?

"Um can I have a bus ticket for New York please." she gave me one and I paid for it.

I walked to the bus and got on. I sat in the back. I can't believe he took me all the way to Mexico. 

I went thru the bag. I saw nothing but money and a gun. Then I saw something flashing.

It was a tracker. I picked it up and looked. I see some black trucks coming as the bus was pulling off. I threw it out the window.

I chuckled as I seen them looking for me. I sat back and relaxed thinking about my children.

I am so ready for them.

Jamal Pov

Its been a month since I seen liyah none of my crew have seen or heard from Eric bitch ass.

We found Aaron but he was no use. He didn't want to to give up Eric location so I sent a 9mm to his head.

I just want my baby back....


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