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A*week later*

Liyah POV

Omg. The way Jamal put it down on my have me in a daze. I really didn't know I was being a real bitch to him. I apologized a lot.

He has been there for me since he moved to New York. I am forever grateful.

I was sitting in the room watching my movie. I wanted some pickles. "JAMAL" He walked into the room with a jar of pickles. "How u know I wanted pickles?"

"U always eat pickles at 2." I looked at the clock on my phone.

"Thank u, babe." He handed me the jar and sat down.

"How u been feeling?" He rubbed my stomach.

"I'm just ready for him to gone on the head and come out." He chuckled.

"Well, we only got two more weeks so calm down."

"Yes but-" it felt like I wet the bed.

"Liyah did u just piss in the bed?" He looked at me confused.

Before I could speak a contraction hit. "Ahhh. Babe, he comes." Jamal had a flash of fear on his face. "Don't just sit there get the emergency bag Em and let's go."

We got ready and packed into the car. He drove to the hospital.

We finally arrived and I was cursing Jamal out the whole way.

Jamal POV

I ran into the hospital. "Heyy can I please get some help my gurll is in labor.

Nurses ran out to the car and put there in a wheelchair. They put there in a room and propped her legs up.

"Baby this really hurts." She squeezed my hand.

"It OK baby just relax." Then I guess a contraction hit cuz she started to squeeze the hell out of my hand.

"Ahhhh. Shii."

"Damn when did u get this strong?" She gave me a death glare. I stopped talking.

I went into the hallway to see her family rush in.

"How is she? Did she have him yet?"

"She fine and no she didn't have him yet." They blew out a sigh of relief.

"Well, I'll watch Em. U go back in there and be a father." They walked to the waiting room.

I walked back in the room. Then this doctor stopped me. "Sir only the father is allowed."

"I am the father." I walked to her side and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She cried.

"I can't do this Jamal. It hurts so bad."

"Its OK baby just relax OK."

I wish I was there when she ha Em. I would have helped her with everything. But I was so caught up in that drug life and f**kin hoes.

"Baby u are going to be fine. I'm here." She nodded. She calmed down.

Then the doctors came into the room. "Hello, Ms. Young. You almost dilated so we will begin in a min." She left out the room.

"Babe I'm scared"

"Well, what did u do when Em was born?"

"Khayla calmed me down."


"I don't remember." Then khayla burst through the door.

"U actual think imma miss my nephew begin born." I was so happy.

Then she started to sing to her. I was so impressed. Liyah calmed down. Then doctors came into the room.

They got at the bottom of liyah and got her ready.

"OK, Ms. Young are u ready?" She nodded. "OK on 3 1...2...3 push"

She pushed."OK, another one" she pushed again. "I see the head. One more big push."

I saw my baby pushing out our handsome boy. Then I heard baby cries. I looked at the baby.

"Would u like to cut the umbilical cord?" I nodded and grabbed the scissors. I cut it and smiled at liyah.

"I can't believe I have a son!" She smiled at me with her eyes closed.

They cleaned up him and wrapped him up in a cloth. They brought the baby to liyah and she smiled.

"Hi, baby. I'm your mommy. And that sexy guy over there is your daddy." She smiled. "Jamal I would like u to meet Jamal Marcus Wright Jr."

I was shocked she was gonna name him after me. I walked over to him. "Heyy there Lil man. I your dad. I gonna be the best dad u ever had. U and your older sister not gonna want for nothing." I kissed his forehead.

"That was your surprise." I looked at her.

"Really?" She nodded. "Thank u liyah for everything." I kissed her.

"OK, Ms.young we are gonna need u to breastfeed."

I smirk."Jamal stops smirking." Liyah said.

The nurse left and Everybody came back in. "So?"

Liyah POV

I finished feeding the baby when everyone came in.

"So?" My dad said.

Jamal came and sat beside me.
"I will like you all to meet Jamal Marcus Wright Jr."

"Awe" they all cooed. Em ran up to us.

"Mommy, is he my brother?" I nodded. "So I get to boss him around?"

"Em, u have to take care of your bother not boss him around."

"OK, mommy."

We sat and talked till the nurse came and took Jamal to the nursery. They said I had to stay overnight.

My mom and dad took Emerald home and Jamal stayed with me. I just happy that I birthed my first baby boy.



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