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*3 months later*

Liyah Pov

Its been 3 months since Jamal got out and we are finally tying the not. Yep y'all girl bout to get married is so happy. I've to wait 6 years for this moment.

I was in my the dressing room and the venue getting myself together. Khayla did my makeup and Selena help with my hair.

When they finished I looked in the mirror. I nearly cried. "U look so beautiful baby." I turn to see my dad. I hugged him.

The gulls walked out of the room to give me and my dad some time.

"U look some beautiful like your mother."

"Thank u, daddy."

"So baby tell me? Do u really want to marry this man?"

"Dad how could u ask me that. Daddy, I love him. I really want to marry him. Im in love with him daddy." he smiled.

"Good that all I wanted to here." then my mom came in the room.

"Baby it's time." I nodded.

I and my dad walked out of the room. Everyone started to walk down the aisle. First Em and Lexis. Then Ricky, Junior, and Malik in the middle holding the rings.

I looked at my dad. He smiled at me. "U ready?" I nodded. "I love u baby gurll."

"I love u to daddy." then I heard the music play and I saw everyone stand.

I and my dad went thru the drapes and walked down the aisle.

I saw my whole family and Jamal family. I saw Jamal and he smiled widely at me. I did too.

We reached the altar. The pastor looked around. "He gives this woman to this man?"

"We do." my mom and dad say. My dad kissed my cheek. Jamal stepped down and pulled me to him.

We were now in front of each other.

Then the pastor went on. "Dearly beloved we have gathered here today... The couple has prepared their own vows. Aliyah?"

"Jamal all my life I wanted to find the right guy and settled down with him and get married and have kids. I found that guy at the freshmen party at UCLA. Thank u Jamal for loving me. Helping me raise our daughter. Always loving me. Always being there for even when u didn't have to. I don't care about the drug game. All I want is u. And u only. Jamal im ready to live the rest of my life with u. I love u."

"Beautiful. Jamal?" the pastor looked at him.

"Liyah before I met u I was a man who would just have sex and get money. I never knew that a man like me could get married. But I proved myself wrong when I told u I love u on those cupcakes. And I meant every word. Baby u taught me how to love. Baby u showed me, unconditional love. U showed me that I don't need any loose gurll. I need a gurll who will hold me down for whatever. And that's u. I gonna be the man that ride for. I'll die for u baby!" they laughed at him. But he was serious. "Baby im all your till the day I die."

I cried at his words."Rings?" Malik gave us the ring. "Jamal repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed."

"With this ring, I thee wed." he slipped the ring on my finger.

"Liyah repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed."

"With this ring, I thee wed." I slipped the ring on his finger.

"Liyah do u take this man to be your lawful wedded husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for better or worse, till death do u part?"

I looked in Jamal's eyes. "I do." he smiled at me.

"Jamal do u take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for better or worse, till death do u part?"

Jamal Pov

"I do" I looked in her eyes. I love liyah with everything in me.

"If u object please speak now or forever hold your peace." no said anything. "By the state of New York, I pronounce u husband and wife. U may kiss the bride."

I pulled her by her waist and leaned in. "Y'all cute." out a head shot to the familiar voice. "Heyy liyah u miss me?" Eric said.

I let her go. I felt my blood boiling. "Wyd here Eric?"

"What I like weddings." he chuckled. "But for. I came to get my gurll." he licked his lips at liyah. "And before u try something." he pulled out and tec 9 with an extended clip.

I sized him up. "Naw u ain't taking my gurll." I grabbed her hand. Then a whole bunch of guys came in.

"In ill take her by force." they walked up to us. I hurried and kissed liyah.

"I love u baby." they came and yanked her away from me. I tried to run up but they had held me back.

She started to cry for help. I was still trying to get to her. I heard and the gun goes off and I went black.

I woke up in a hospital bed. I tried to get up but I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I fell back on the bed. Then the nurse came in.

"Sir please u have to get some rest."

"What happened to me? Where is liyah? Were my kids?"

"Sure u got shot. I don't know anything else but your visitor went to get some food he will be back."

I calmed down and then Kalvin walked in the room. "Bout time u up."

"How long was I out?"

"3 months." I jumped at his answer.

"Where is liyah?" he looked at me disappointed.

"We haven't found her yet sorry man." my heart broke.

Then my sadness turned to anger. I jumped up and put on my clothes. The nurse ran up to me.

"Sir u can't leave yet."

"Watch me." I signed out and walked to Calvin car. He drove to my house.

Im about to look for my wife none stop.

A Thug's BabyMama (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now