Chapter 9 -The return-

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Wednesday came fast enough. A lot faster than we would have hoped. We didnt get news from the children of the spirit for 3 days and our situation is completely helpless. We still have to live our student life and act as if nothing happened, ignoring ourselves in the school hallways and staying with our respective crew. I have a much harder time enduring Davids absence than I would have thought. But all this story seems a grueling unreality. I feel like Im living a false life and that Im playing a game, like Jake would say. Moreover, he plays his role of ignorance perfectly. He didnt even glance at me since last Sunday. Compared to Chris, who winks at me when no ones watching. Thomas, who couldnt hide anything from Miss Seasy, told her everything and she clearly responded not to get involved in this story. So I try to stay distracted not to be haunted 24/7 by the sixth element. I take this moment to watch the shows from yesterday. The night is already falling and I dont think I got up from the couch for like 3 hours.

How can you watch Game of Thrones in a moment like this? exclaims Thomas, snatching the remote from my hand.

Eh! I riposte, trying to get it back without success. I didnt hear him arrive, which makes me angry. I only notice now that hes holding Cerafina under his left arm, struggling to escape.

What do you want? I protest, edgy.

First, he says, annoyed, take back YOUR cat, he climbed in my curtains again! He throws me the poor thing and she comes to cuddle beside me. I mechanically start to scratch her belly while Thomas resumes in his momentum. Second WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?

I look at him, surprised and mad with rage. Whats with him to scream at me like that?! Why is everybody yelling me their thoughts these days.

Go away and leave me alone, Thomas! And leave my cat out of this, would you?

Do you realise that youve stay seated on your ass for 3 days while were struggling to save you!

I get up in a jump. Then stop trying to save me! This is stupid! I retort without thinking.

Youre stupid for not seeing that youre making the task difficult for us ever since you arrived in the circle!


He sighs of sadness, releasing his shoulders. He becomes red as he realises what he just said. I collapse on the couch, allowing myself to shed a few tears in front of my brother. He and I never screamed at each other before. I hate the experience and dont want to start again. He sits be my side and takes me in his arms. Im so sorry Im so sorry, he whispers constantly.

I need some time to digest all this, I cry.

I know Tess. Im tired of being the one who always have to do everything and the situation was beyond me for a moment! Im sorry I dropped it on you

You know, Thomas In the last two weeks, I learned three things. One, my life is a lie. Two, my mother hates me. And three, I control metal, Thomas! I trump, turning toward him to get rid of his grip.

I know I understand. Its been only two weeks and a half that youve been living in this world but I have the impression that youve always been here, he adds awkwardly.

A silence invades us while Thomas wipes away my tears with the back of his hand, shaking his head. Ah! My little sister Everything would have been simpler if youd still live in ignorance.

I close my eyes, ignoring the wickedness hidden behind his words. I know deep inside me that he doesnt want to hurt me more. Nevertheless, I manage to stop my tears and my gaze loses itself on Cerafina, who rolls into a ball against my thigh. A weak light coming from the couch brings me back to reality and I throw myself on my phone, completely ignoring my brother.

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