Chapter 48- Drama Part 2

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Anastasia's POV

After school, I decided to wait for Brandon while he trained. He had his headphones on and couldn't hear me. I noticed Kyle talking to Jack, probably about sports. Arlene, who had no practice, joined me and said, "I can't believe Brandon isn't talking to you; it's like he's avoiding you." I shrugged.

When training ended, the coach spoke with the guys, but Brandon headed to the locker room alone. Arlene said, "Well, I'm going. If anything happens, call me," and I nodded.

I waited by the door for Brandon, but he stormed out and dropped something. Before I could call him, he turned the corner. I picked up a large envelope with the name Nikki Lyons and the word "ultrasound" on it. The date was last Saturday. Why was Nikki at the hospital, and why did Brandon have this?

I needed answers, and I planned to get them at the party.

I drove home and placed the envelope in my bedroom. Brandon had a lot to explain.

I changed into skinny jeans, a crop top, and a jacket, putting the envelope in my handbag along with my phone and keys. I styled my hair in a high bun, added long earrings, and wore the necklace Brandon gave me for my birthday.

Justin picked me up. My dad, in his office, said, "Have fun and be safe. If you're doing anything stupid, use protection and don't get in trouble; otherwise, you'll spend the night in jail." I nodded.

As Justin pulled up at 8:00 PM, I got in, and he said, "Let's party, baby." I laughed.

When we arrived, loud music filled the air, and everyone was having fun. Our friends were waiting for us, and Arlene said, "You look good, Anne." I replied, "You too, Lene. Let's go inside," and we headed in together.

Inside, I saw half my classmates—some making out, others dancing, and a few jumping into the pool. Arlene brought us drinks, which burned my throat a little. She said, "I'm going to find Kyle. Later, girl," and I nodded.

In the kitchen, Jack greeted me with a laugh. "Hi, Anne." I smiled back, "Hi, Jack. Where's Brandon?" He shrugged. A random girl remarked, "Jack is so hot," and I rolled my eyes, saying, "Please, there are hotter guys here." She asked, "Like who?" I pointed to Jordan entering the crowd. "Like him." She gasped.

Jordan approached, saying, "Hi, Anne, Jack, and the beanstalk, ladies," winking at the girls, who giggled.

An hour later, I was still searching for Brandon with no luck. Gregory mentioned he'd been there earlier but then disappeared, and I spotted Nikki. I decided to check upstairs; he had to be there.

I climbed the stairs and approached Brandon's room, hearing voices inside. Despite knowing curiosity could lead to trouble, I eavesdropped, pressing my ear to the door.

"How could you lose it, Brandon? What if it gets in the wrong hands?!" Nikki shouted.

"I had it after training; maybe it dropped on the way home," Brandon replied.

"You better tell your girlfriend that you're the father of my baby tonight!" Nikki yelled.

I gasped. Brandon was the father? No, I refused to believe it. I burst in, tears in my eyes, and both Brandon and Nikki gasped.

"How long, Brandon?!" I screamed.

"An—" he started.

"How long did you know?!" I shouted, seeing him look down and mumble, "Since last week."

I pulled out the ultrasound and threw it at him, yelling, "So you've known for a while and didn't bother to tell me?!"

"Ana, please—" he pleaded.

I slapped him across the face and screamed, "We're over!" then threw the necklace he gave me at him. I ran out, tears streaming down my face.

Justin saw me and I dashed outside, hearing him shout after me. He caught up and I collapsed on the ground sobbing as he hugged me.

"Shhh, it's going to be alright," he said.

"How could he do this to me? I hate him!" I sobbed.

"Who?" Justin asked.

"Brandon! He cheated on me with Nikki and is the father of her child!" I shouted.

Justin stood up and punched a tree. "I'll kill that son of a bitch." He pulled out his phone, saying, "Hi Jordan, we have a serious problem," and explained what happened.

After hanging up, he lifted me and carried me to the car to take me home. "The boys will deal with him. When they're done, he'll regret breaking your heart," he assured me. I cried more and threw my phone through the window.

When I got home, I told Justin, "I want to talk to Dad alone. I'll see you tomorrow." He nodded.

My dad asked, "What happened, Anne? Why are you crying?"

"Brandon cheated on me, Dad, with my enemy," I cried.

He shouted, "Where's my gun? I told that bastard not to hurt you, or I'd kill him!" He got up to grab his shotgun.

"Calm down; the boys are taking care of it," I said.

I went to my room, took a hot shower, and grabbed the new phone my dad gave me for my birthday. I blocked Brandon on all my social media and cried myself to sleep.


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