Chapter 1 ~ back to hogwarts

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~Hermoine's point of view~

After an entire year of missing classes and exams , I am glad to be back to hogwarts to study what I missed out.

My parents were back to normal (after hermoine 'oblivate' them) and they decided to send me of at platform nine and three quarters .

"Take care and Be careful this year darling..", my mother said after kissing me on the cheek .

"It's ok mum, I don't think anything abnormal will happen this year after the death of voldermort.. ", I said hugging her tight.

My father patted me on the back and I said bye to them .

I ran through the wall and proceaded straight into the train. I looked at my watch, just 15 seconds before departure, I did better find a seat.

I pushed my way through the crowd and went to check the separate cabins. There was absolutely no space left for me . Well.. accept the Slytherin cabin... Draco was sitting down alone(I thought he would have a bunch of friends) , staring out at the window , he seemed quite sad. I hesitated and pushed the door of the cabin open. He didn't notice me for a long time and I cleared my throat .

"Hi...Malfoy..can I sit here?" , I said awkwardly .

He looked at to me and said nothing , turning and staring back at the window.

I started to pity him ever since last year ... Him being a death eater, but he has always been an idiot to me and my friends so I ignored him much.

I sat down opposite of him and took out a book to read : hogwarts history (updated) .

I was reading so attentively I didn't notice he was staring at me , once I saw his blue eyes on me , I immediately blushed (I have no idea why) . I pretended I didnt see him looking at me.

Soon , I heard a knock on the cabin door . It was Ginny smiling at me . I stood up and opened the door . Ginny thew me a hug ," hermoine ! I haven't seen you for a month! " . She shook off the hug when she saw Draco and whispered in my ear , " you don't have to sit with this.. jerk... There is a space for you at my cabin with harry and Ron at ... There ! " she pointed enthusiastically down the hallway.

I looked back at Draco , he looked hurt obviously hearing Ginny's 'whisper' .

"I will be there in a minute..",I numbered and Ginny skipped away.

I went to grab my bag and before I left the cabin , I looked at Draco again , he saw me and turned away back to the window and i sighed .

~draco's point of view~

Things were like slow motion , I saw her approach the door slowly and halfway out the door when I called out unexpectedly," Granger! Please stay..."

She turned back to me looking shocked at my comment . I had been lonely since I approached the train , my friends all just glared at me and continued their chat with each other , I needed company badly .

Hermoine stood rooted and didn't move away . Soon, her brown eyes softened and she began to shift back opposite of me .

I was shocked and I felt a hit on my heart. I never knew anyone will forgive me of what I had done .. I almost killed Dumbledore... I joined the death eaters ... I joined voldermort.. further more , I had been hurting her since I met her.. but hermoine didn't say a thing. She was so kind to me I felt bad, I felt tears welling up in my eyes and started staring at my bag . I didn't want her to see me cry.

~hermoine's point of view~
I couldn't leave him. I just couldn't . He looked as though he changed. People can change , I believe in him. I sat down again opposite of him silently .

He didn't say anything or meet my eyes , he just stared at the ground . That made me feel even more guilty. I had to do something.

I didn't know what to say to him and started out by saying,"I.. better tell Ginny I'm not going... I will be back!", I rushed out of the cabin quickly.

That was weird , I felt awful seeing him sad . I continued walking and went to Ginny's cabin.

"Hermoine!", Harry dropped the cookie he was eating and ran towards me , nearly knocking me flat.( I usually did that) That wiped a smile onto my face immediately . At the corner of my eyes , I could see Ron smiling brightly at me .

After dating for a while , Ron and I decided that we were the best just being friends as we felt nothing special between us , not like harry and Ginny , they love each other.

After a long time, harry let go of me reluctantly and sat back down on his seat, picking up the cookie he dropped .

Ron stood up and gave me a hug too. His hug was slow and steady , not like Harry's (crazy and fast). I smiled as I thought of it . Ron let go of me fast and sat back down .

I still stood at the door awkwardly . Ginny motioned me to sit with her," what are you waiting for ? Come sit !" She patted the seat beside her and smiled at me excitedly .

I stopped and thought . How should I explain not sitting with them? Malfoy needs help? Or what , Malfoy is weird today so I want to sit with him?

I cleared my throat and said," um... I want to do my studies ... Er.. in a quiet environment..ya ..quiet you know?"

Harry shot me a quizzeled look and went to look at Ginny . Ginny shrugged . Ron looked bewildered and a little angry, "you are saying we are noisy ?"

"Nono..none of that , I just needed to read alone..ya...alone.", I lied . It was clear that Malfoy was a person . Ginny raised her eyebrow at me , I knew she didn't believe me . Harry just took another cookie and bit it quietly. Ron looked like he was about to explode but holded back.

The silence was unbearable and I just said ,"see you later!" And quickly closed the cabin door before any of them could question me.

I walked back to the cabin where Malfoy was but when I went in , he was gone . My bag sat alone in the cabin. I sat down , confused . Didn't he want me to stay with him? I sat and waited. And waited. And waited.

Draco suddenly appeared back and opened the door looking shocked . He was holding a cup of coffee that was tilted.

I gulped , afraid that he will pour the coffee on me.

He Noticed my shifting and immediately held the coffee tighter and smiled sheepishly at me,"sorry.. I didnt know you will come."

He sat opposite to me again and placed his coffee on a mini table .

"You can have this , I can get one more for myself.", He pushed the coffee to me . I stared at him for a moment and raised the cup to my mouth . Is he going to poisen me?

Draco seemed to be able to read my mind and laughed, "no..there's no poisen in it!"

I blushed , embarrassed and started to drink it quickly . I choked at the first gulp and Draco got up and pat me on the back. I kept coughing for a while until I calmed down.

"Drink slowly..I'm not rushing you.",he said , still patting me gently on my back.

I blushed again and cupped the drink with both hands and started enjoying it slowly. Draco kept his hand on my back until I finished the coffee.

I wiped my mouth and smiled,"thanks."

He smiled back at me, "always."

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