Chapter 3

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The girl with long crimson hair lay next to a river outside of Konoha. She swiftly began taking off her skirt, and placed it next to her sack. Glancing around one last time, she figured that she was alone for sure.

She proceeded to take of the rest of her clothing, her tube top, mesh shirt, and under garment, and also placed them next to her bag. Staring up at the moon, the girl stepped into the river.

She dunked her head under water and rose again. Seeing that the contents of her once red hair in the water; she sighed. "That's what I get for not washing the blood out of my hair in the first place," she whispered silently.

Taking a few minutes she cleaned herself, and then got out of the river. In the moonlight her hair glowed a soft pink. Getting dressed rather quickly she noticed that it was getting later and later. "Hn," she said, "four am."

She heard a rustle in the trees, and turned around to find a tree had moved. Glaring at the tree, she grabbed one of her katanas, and got into a fighting stance. A shadowy figure appeared in front of her an instant later.

"Hn," the red headed boy said as he stared at the girl in front of him. "I never met you at the Chunin exams."

"Never made it there," the girl said as she brought back her sword, and struck out at the boy. Hitting a barrier of sand, the girl glared even harder.

"Gaara no Sabaku; Kazekage of the Sand Village. Currently eighteen years old; two siblings," the girl stated as she grabbed for her other katana. "Has the ability to use sand at will; known as Gaara's 'absolute defense.'"

"Hn," Gaara said looking emotionless as ever, "interesting."

The girl brought her katanas across her body to form an "X" shape. Taking one last glance at Gaara, she vanished. Gaara only raised an eyebrow before his sand barrier barely protected him from an unseen hit from behind.

"I heard you defeated Sasuke Uchiha," the girl whispered into Gaara's ear. Gaara's eyes went wide with shock at her proximity. "But you lost to Naruto Uzumaki."

Gaara growled hearing that statement, but when he turned around he saw nothing there. Gaara did a swift one-eighty but found that the girl was gone; along with her pack.

Gaara quickly disappeared in a whirl of sand. The pink haired girl reappeared right after the Kazekage's departure. She sighed silently as she checked the time once again.

"Only wasted a half an hour," she cursed mentally. Taking a deep breath, the girl transported her way towards training ground 6. Glancing around she realized she was not the first to arrive. She quickly hid herself under a cloak, and then gave a nod to her new raven haired teammate.

Sasuke glared at the cloaked figure before he became emotionless once again. "You will never be apart of this team," the young Uchiha said to the girl. The girl didn't seem phased as she leaned against a tree.

"I was never apart of this team," the girl said quietly. Sasuke gave her a weird look before he went back to ignoring her.

After fifteen minutes of silence between the two shinobi, a loud mouth blond came sprinting up to them. "HEY TEME!" Naruto yelled to Sasuke.

"Hn, dobe," Sasuke punched Naruto's head, and nodded towards the girl sitting in the shadow of the moonlight. Naruto spotted the girl, and began growling.

"Calm down Naruto," Kakashi said appearing out of no where. Naruto's jaw dropped, and he opened his mouth to yell,"-"

"I know I'm here early Naruto," Kakashi said cutting him off. "I wanted to test the capabilities of our new teammate myself."

Sasuke and Naruto glared, while the girl just stood. "We will be fighting a little ways away from the boys," Kakashi said smiling.

"To make sure if I am an enemy ninja that I do not see all of the Konoha shinobis' strengths," the girl said walking up to Kakashi. Kakashi only nodded, and the two disappeared; Kakashi into smoke, and the girl into black cherry blossoms.

"Damn it," Naruto cursed. Sasuke just smirked lightly, and pointed to where the other two went. Naruto nodded, and the two boys followed.

Kakashi and the girl stood in front of each other in the middle of the forest. "I will not go easy on you," Kakashi said making hand signs. A sudden blue light emerged from his right hand, and you could hear a thousand birds chirping.

"I didn't expect you to," the girl said coping Kakashi's moves. Kakashi glared lightly as he charged at the cloaked girl. She chuckled hollowly, and slammed her chidori infused fist into the ground. Kakashi's eyes widened with shock, and he tried to dodge the on coming rocks.

Jumping over one after another a very large piece of the ground was coming towards Kakashi. He threw up his chirdoried hand and broke the ground in half.

Getting back into his fighting stance, Kakashi realized that the girl was no longer in front of him. "Shit," Kakashi cursed as he raised his hi-ate to reveal his sharingan.

Feeling a whishing of air behind him, Kakashi swiftly dodged a chakra infused fist to the back. Looking at the cloaked figure he saw emerald eyes staring back at him. Making a few more hand signs the girl disappeared.

Kakashi heard a soft voice whisper, "Earth Release: Bedrock Coffin." Kakashi mentally cursed as he flew up into the air creating hand signs of his own.

A sudden movement in the ground scared Naruto and Sasuke as they inched closed to the battle field. Getting past a few more trees they both stopped dead in their tracks. "Di-d Kakashi-sensei do this?" Naruto asked as he looked at the newly formed cliffs of Konoha.

"Kakashi isn't much of an earth user, Naruto," Sasuke sighed, as he watched the battle.

Kakashi was currently in the air, and had his fingers to his mouth. Opening his lips a large fire ball escaped.

"Grand Fireball technique," the two teen boys heard after their sensei had poured the fire from his lungs. Kakashi landed swiftly atop one of the new cliffs.

A figure appeared a few cliffs in front of him. The cloak was gone from the girl, but so was a lot of her skin.

"Gross," Naruto stated being to gag.

"Wait," Sasuke said as he observed the girl more. She made a few quick hand signs and rested them on her chest.

"Mystic Palm," they heard the girls say. In matters of seconds the girls body was fully recovered, and the boys couldn't keep themselves from staring.

Naruto noticed the long pink hair, and Sasuke noticed the enticing emerald eyes.

"S-S-Ssakura?" they both asked at the same time.

The girl only turned her head to them for a second, and sighed. She turned back to they gray haired man in front of her that was speechless.

"Sakura Haruno is dead," the girl said while getting into a battling stance once again. "I no longer go by that name."

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