Chapter 10

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Naruto calmly back away from Sakura, and smiled brightly at her. "I miss you Sakura-Chan," he said.

Kakashi just stood behind the blond with a raven haired teen next to him. "Sakura, Orochimaru is after you," Kakashi said wearily.

Sakura nodded. "I think that was kinda obvious after what happened before I left Konoha," Sakura said nodding towards Sasuke.

Sasuke cringed slightly, before looking up at Sakura. His eyes shone great remorse, and he looked very sad. "It wasn't Sasuke-teme's fault, Sakura-Chan," Naruto said. "Orochimaru put a seal on him..."

Sasuke cringed even more. Kakashi picked up where Naruto left off. "Orochimaru placed a cursed seal on Sasuke, and force Sasuke to do his bidding. I was able to seal the seal back in Konoha, but we came here because we were worried about you," Kakashi said.

"Orochimaru is looking for a medic that is good enough to heal his arms," Gaara spoke up. "Someone that isn't Tsunade."

Sakura nodded. "That is why the medics here in Suna are missing," Sakura said. "Did we find out where they are?"

Kankuro and Baki appeared out of no where. "They are in a camp not to far from here," Kankuro stated. He smiled at the group, "How's that for stealthy!?"

"Baka," Temari muttered, and punched him in the head. Baki stepped forward with a grim expression.

"It seems elder Chiyo has disappeared along with her grandson," Baki said looking directly at Gaara.

Sakura gasped, as she felt her anger rising. "Kenshin," she said in an angry tone. She turned towards Kankuro. "Where is the base?"

Kankuro gulped at the fierce question before turning towards Gaara. He nodded, and Kankuro spoke. "They are located not too far outside of the village. A large barrier of some sorts seems to be protecting it's exact location," Kankuro said.

Sakura and Gaara closed their eyes. In an instant Sakura's opened and she grinned evilly. "I found their location."

A split second later Gaara's opened as well, and he nodded. "We should hurry, but I don't want Sakura to be on her own," Gaara's voice was strong and stern; he left no room for argument from Sakura. She nodded her head, and the eight shinobi sped out of the Suna village.

A few miles from the town's location the group found a strong barrier. Sakura smiled, and walked to the base of the barrier. "Open," she said, and the barrier did just that. She smiled to the seven other members of her team before entering the cave like hideout.

Gaara quickly followed her, behind him Kakashi, Naruto, and Sasuke. The barrier immediately closed after Sasuke entered. They turned around wide eyed as Kankuro, Temari, and Baki all stood outside the barrier. Naruto pounded one fist on the barrier, only to send him flying into Sakura.

"Stupid baka," Sakura muttered playfully helping Naruto to stand. He did so, but not before smiling sheepishly at Sakura.

"Sorry Sakura-Chan," he said.

Gaara looked to his three fellow sand shinobi that stood outside of the barrier. "Guard it here," he ordered. "We will go on ahead; Naruto you are always with Sakura."

Naruto nodded, and even though Sakura was a little irritated she let it slide. A new determined look appeared on her face as she looked at the entrance again.

"We have to find them," Sakura said softly. The others nodded, and they entered the cave. They reached a fork in the road instantly, and Gaara sighed with frustration.

"Sakura, Naruto, and I will travel up the left path," he said. "Kakashi and Sasuke travel up the right one. If you don't find anything we meet back here in twenty five."

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