Chapter 12

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Sakura, Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, and Baki left the cave; Kenshin safely in Sakura's grasp. Some of Gaara's Suna nin had come to take the medics safely back to Suna a little while before, and the group of six was just starting to head back to Suna.

"What are we going to do with him? We aren't going to keep him are we?" Kankuro asked. "Is he even house trained?"

Sakura gave a glare, but it was Gaara who hit him in the back of the head. "He isn't an animal," Gaara muttered under his breath.

"Well then what are we going to do with him?" Kankuro asked while rubbing the back of his head.

"Gaara-kun," Sakura said while looking at Gaara with pleading eyes. Gaara turned away and nodded his head.

"We have enough room for him at our house," Gaara said while walking over to Sakura's side. He rested a hand on her shoulder, and looked at the shaggy brown haired boy. Sakura leaned into the taller red haired Kazekage, and sighed.

"Um, we'll take Kenshin home," Temari said while walking up to the two. Sakura looked tired, and the rest of the group wanted to get back to Suna as quick as possible.

"I'll stay back, and walk with Sakura," Gaara said once Kenshin had been placed safely in Temari's arms. The three nin began running back to Suna, but Kankuro turned around to give Gaara one more suggestive eyebrow raise.

"SAFE SEX MAN!" Kankuro yelled as he turned back around. It was just in time too, because he ran face first into a tree. Sakura started giggling. Gaara had a cute red tint to his cheeks.

"Are you feeling okay Sakura?" Gaara asked as they slowly began their walk back to Suna; they just left Kankuro knocked out under the tree.

"Of course I am, Gaara-kun," Sakura replied with a yawn. "I'm just a little tired."

Upon hearing that, Gaara scooped Sakura up into his arms, and carried her bridal style. It was Sakuras turn to have a cute red tint to her cheeks.

"I can walk Gaara-kun," Sakura said.

Gaara shook his head and went back to walking. "You're too tired to walk; I'll just carry you," Gaara said while never looking her in the eyes.

"But Gaara," Sakura whined. "I can walk."

Gaara didn't say anything, but he didn't let her down either. Sakura just sighed, and then rested her head against his chest. Fighting to keep her eyes open she ended up losing because her eyes closed on her and she fell asleep.

Looking down at his pink haired blossom, Gaara smiled to himself. He disappeared into a whirl of sand, and found himself back at the house. He was surprised to see it empty.

"I guess we could have done that the whole time, huh, Gaara-kun?" Sakura asked sleepily as she raised her head from his chest. Gaara laughed lightly at how cute she looked.

Her eyes were half closed, and she had a very cute dribble of drool going down her chin. She rubbed her eyes with her fists, and yawned loudly. "I'm still tired Gaara-kun," Sakura said.

Gaara just watched the pink haired girl go back to sleep while he lightly played with her hair. He began walking up the stairs to the bedrooms when he heard the front door open. He turned around just in time to see Temari storm in with a still sleeping Kenshin in her grasp, and a very calm and collected Baki behind.

"How could that stupid damn brother of mind get himself lost!?" Temari yelled. "He was right behind us. Gaara is going to kill us for losing Kankuro... again."

Baki sighed and sat on the couch. "Gaara knows where Kankuro is," Baki stated. "It's fine, just put Kenshin to bed, and get some sleep."

Temari nodded her head, and began the walk upstairs. She grunted when she ran into a wall, and almost fell down the stairs.

"You should watch where you're going Temari," Gaara stated while he continued his way up the stairs. Temari blinked once, and then glared at her younger brother.

"HOW DID YOU BEAT US HOME!?" Temari demanded. Gaara just sighed and disappeared into a whirl of sand.

"THAT'S CHEATING GAARA! I REALLY WANT TO KNOW!" Temari yelled from the outside of his door. Gaara just sighed, and set Sakura down on his bed. He brought the covers up around her small form, and brushed back a piece of hair that was in her face.

He smiled lightly when she grabbed his hand, and brought it to her lips. Gaara kissed the top of her forehead, and walked out of the room. He walked down the hallway to one of the guest rooms to see Temari put Kenshin in a sky blue room. His smile was still on his face as he walked down the stairs into the living room.

"She is something Gaara," Baki said while he still rested on the couch. Gaara nodded over to his former sensei, and took a seat in a lazy boy across from him.

"I assume you mean Sakura," Gaara said while leaning back in his chair.

"Yes," Baki stated. "She showed great promise fighting Orochimaru, and she is an excellent Medic-nin. Maybe you should talk to Tsunade-sama about allowing Sakura-san to stay here permanently."

"I'll talk to Sakura about it, but it is ultimately her decision," Gaara said. "I can't force her to stay in Suna if she doesn't want to be here."

"You never know," Baki said. "She did promise to take care of Kenshin. I'm not sure if she'd leave or not."

"Is that all you wanted to talk to me about?" Gaara asked.

Baki nodded while standing. "Yes, that is all, Kazekage-sama." With a swift bow, Baki left the house.

Gaara sighed as he leaned back in his chair. "She'll want to stay Gaara," Temari's voice rang from the bottom of the stairs. "I think she really does like you."

"Thanks Temari," Gaara said under his breath. "I'll talk to her tomorrow morning."

"Where is Kankuro by the way Gaara?" Temari asked while walking towards the kitchen.

Gaara got a sly smirk on his face, and stood from his seat. "He should be here by tomorrow morning," Gaara called while he walked to his room.

Temari just sighed, and walked into the kitchen to get some more of her precious ice cream.

Gaara continued to his walk to his room, and opened the door. He saw Sakura sleeping peacefully in his bed, and he leaned against the door frame. He saw Sakura stir lightly, and was surprised to see her eyes open.

"Sleep with me tonight Gaara-kun," Sakura said; her eyes fighting to stay open. "Please."

Gaara didn't say anything, but walked over to his bed, and layed down next to Sakura. Sakura rested her head on Gaara's chest while she closed her eyes. "Thanks Gaara-kun," Sakura muttered before she fell asleep again.

Gaara smiled while he brushed the hair from her face. He soon began fighting to keep his eyes open. The calming feeling Sakura was giving him gave him an odd sensation. He was almost tired. Gaara Sabaku; the Gaara Sabaku; Kazekage of Suna was tired.

He fought to keep his eyes open a few moments longer, but soon lost. For the first time ever, Gaara fell asleep.

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