Chapter 13

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Gaara woke up with a start. He was sweating perfusely, and breathing deeply. His eyes shot all around the room, and he sighed deeply once he realized everything was okay. Looking to his left, he saw his angel.

Sakura had not been disturbed by Gaara's awakening, and was still sleeping peacefully. She had a calm smile on her face, and Gaara couldn't help but smile. He stood up, and walked toward the window. Opening it, he realized it was noon.

"Shit," Gaara cursed as he raced to his closet. He was blindly throwing clothes everywhere before he heard a light knock on his door. After putting a shirt on, he walked to the door, and opened it to find Temari.

"I thought it would be best to let you rest; you seemed so peaceful," Temari said. "Baki is looking things over at the tower. I'm watching Kenshin so you and Sakura can have a day off."

With that Temari shut the door, and Gaara removed his shirt. He sighed, but then walked slowly back to bed, and layed down.

"What's wrong Gaara-kun?" Sakura asked as she placed her small arm across Gaara's chest. "Don't you like sleeping in?"

Gaara turned his head so he was able to see the emerald eyes he loved so much. "That's the problem; I've never really slept before this..." Gaara said.

Sakura got up, and now was resting on her knees. "Really? Then why did you sleep last night?" Sakura asked.

"I dunno," Gaara said while pulling Sakura into a hug. "I guess you calm me."

Sakura rested her head a top of Gaara's chest. "I think you calm me too," Sakura said while snuggling in closer to the crimson haired kazekage.

They continued cuddling for about another five minutes, until Gaara sighed. "I have to ask you something Sakura," Gaara stated.

He stood up, and began pacing back and forth across the bedroom. "What is it Gaara?" Sakura asked. Gaara seemed so nervous. "What's wrong?"

Gaara stopped his pacing and stared Sakura straight in the eyes. "Will you stay in Suna... or.. do you want to go back to Kohona?" Gaara asked in a very small voice.

Sakura's mouth dropped. "You really thought I would want to leave you?" Sakura asked.

Gaara looked unsure. "I don't want to force you to stay here because of me," Gaara said.

"Gaara-kun," Sakura said as she stood. She laced her arms around Gaara's middle, and hugged him tightly. "I'll never leave as long as you want me here."

Gaara returned the gesture by wrapping his arms around her middle. He bent his head down to gently kiss the tip of Sakura's nose. "Good, because I never want you to leave."

Gaara bent his head down again, and his lips were an inch away from Sakura's when his door slammed open.

"HOW THE HELL COULD YOU LEAVE ME IN THE FOREST LIKE THAT!?" asked/screamed an enraged Kankuro. He was wearing his normal black outfit, but it had cuts all over it, and he had several bleeding scratches. "I WOKE UP LAST NIGHT AND I GOT LOST AND THESE BUSHES KEPT ATTACKING ME AND-"

Sakura walked up to Kankuro; hand glowing green. She placed it on Kankuro's chest, and in several minutes all of Kankuro's scratches were gone. "There, now you're all better," Sakura said as she shoved him out the door. She closed the door, and locked it. She turned back to Gaara and asked, "Now where were we?"

Sakura leaped into Gaara's arms, and kissed him passionately. After a few moments the two broke apart, and stared into each others eyes. "I really do love you Gaara," Sakura said.

"I really do love you too, Sakura," Gaara said as he kissed her again.

This was only the beginning of their loving relationship, but it is the end of this story.

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