Chapter 8

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A sudden movement in the room startled Sakura, and she opened her eyes. Glancing over to the window she noticed the sun coming up, and sighed. "Better start my day at the hospital early," Sakura said as she stood from the plush queen sized bed.

She sleepily walked over to the door, and picked up her bag as she looked longingly back at the bed. With a determined force, Sakura ran out of the room before she could be tempted by the bed any longer. She sighed as she now didn't know where to go.

Walking down the hallway, Sakura knew what two rooms not to go into; Kankuro and Temari would still be sleeping. She hoped she just wouldn't wake Gaara up if she accidentally walked into his room. Tip toeing down the hall, Sakura felt for Gaara's chakra pattern. "He isn't even here," Sakura said as she opened a door next to her room. To her luck it was a bathroom.

Sakura happily leaped into the bathroom, and shut the door quietly. The door opened a half an hour later, and Sakura stepped out in her Suna med-nin clothes.

The clothes consisted of a small red dress, much like her genin one, but more tight fitting, and not as long. Sakura wore a pair of black shorts under her dress as she went back into her bag to pull out the final piece to her outfit. Sakura grabbed her new tan jonin vest, and put it on. She smiled as she saw the red little plus on the bottom right side of the vest.

Grabbing her bag once again, Sakura chucked it back into her room before walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. She grabbed an apple, and glanced at the time. 6:30. "I guess I could go to the hospital early," Sakura said as she took a bite of her apple. She heard a groaning sound, and looked under the table to see Temari cuddling two empty ice cream containers.

She looked blankly at Temari before laughing loudly; this caused Temari to stir. "Shika, I don't wanna wake up," Temari groaned as she turned the other way.

Sakura raised a delicate eyebrow and then smiled evilly. "But Temarrrrr," Sakura purred in a masculine voice. Temari shivered before opening her eyes, and then quickly shut them again. A bright red blush adored Temari's cheeks when Temari opened her eyes again.

"Good morning Temari," Sakura giggled as she walked to the door. "You really shouldn't be sleeping on the kitchen floor."

Temari groaned as she stood up. Her bones all cracked and Temari grunted. "Pish Posh, where are you going Sakura?" Temari asked.

"To the hospital Temari," Sakura said as she waved and walked out the door.

Temari nodded her head, and then counted, "Five, four, three, two, one-"

Sakura appeared back in the doorway, with an embarrassed expression on her face. "Temari, do you think you could show me where the hospital is," Sakura asked in a sheepish voice. Temari chuckled but nodded her head.

"After coffee," Temari said as she walked over to where her beloved coffee machine was. She took a few scoops of the dark brown powder and put it in the top of her machine. After turning the switch on she sighed with contentment.

"You really shouldn't be drinking so much coffee Temari," Sakura said as she walked over to the sandy blond.

Temari just shook her head, and poured herself a very large glass. "Nah, I'll be fine Sakura. We should be getting you to the hospital though," Temari said as she walked out the door with her coffee in her grasp.

Sakura nodded, and followed. Soon the two were in the middle of Suna, and were surrounded by people. "Why is everyone up so early, Temari?" Sakura asked while looking around. Many of the Suna people were looking at the pink haired kunochi. Some with a look of hope, some with a look of lust, and some with a look of indifference.

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