Chapter 6

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Emerald green eyes slowly opened, and blinked the sleep away. Sakura was currently staring at her old gray haired sensei, and her ex blond haired teammate. The two were sleeping on the side of her bed, while holding her hands. Sakura looked at them, and sighed.

"Get out," Sakura said quietly. The two boys did not stir. "Get out," she tried a little louder; still no luck.

Sakura sighed again and licked her dry lips. She first tried to move, but found out she couldn't. She then took in a deep breath before she was cut off. "They were really worried about you," a voice said from the doorway. Sakura looked up to see a red haired teen about her age.

Sakura only looked at Gaara, and did not respond. She raised a questioning eyebrow before she turned her attention back to her ex team members. She shook her head, and without even making hand signs Sakura poofed out of her spot on the bed, and next to Gaara. Sakura looked Gaara straight in the eye before she turned and walked to the window.

"You are just like me," she said quietly. Gaara stared at her a little in shock before someone else entered the hospital room.

"I'm glad you're up and moving Sakura," Tsunade said coming in with a clip board. Sakura nodded before she turned back to her teammates; this made Tsunade smile. "They stayed with you for a whole week to make sure you were okay."

"I have to leave," Sakura said while looking Tsunade in the eye. Sakura grabbed her wrist as pain started to sear through it. Tsunade watched in horror as the colors on her wrist burned brightly. "They made me become her; I have to leave before it happens again."

Tsunade walked over to the pink haired girl and touched her forehead with a glowing blue hand; Sakura immediately fell unconscious. Tsunade caught Sakura, and placed her into her bed. Tsunade furrowed her eyebrows before she spoke quietly. "She can't stay here in Konoha," Tsunade said, "but I don't want to send her away with someone I don't trust..."

"She will stay with me then," Gaara said making his presence known again. Tsunade jumped a little bit at first realizing that Gaara was there, but then nodded her head.

"I think that would be for the best right now Gaara," Tsunade said. "You came here in search of a medic worthy of training your medic-nins and I think Sakura could be that nin. It would be like killing two birds with one stone; Sakura would be effectively out of the village, and Suna would gain medical help."

"When will we leave then?" Gaara asked while looking at Sakura.

"Whenever she wakes up next," Tsunade said with a sigh. "I'm worried how her team will react to this though; they really were happy that she was back in Konoha."

"It will take time Tsunade," Gaara said in a knowing tone. "She needs time."

Tsunade nodded as she walked over to the gray haired jonin. "Kakashi," Tsunade whispered into his ear. Kakashi just shook his head, and looked the opposite way. Tsunade grew a little annoyed before she slapped him hard in the back. "GET UP!" Tsunade yelled.

Kakashi flew up from his sleeping position and got into his fighting stance. After seeing everything was okay he relaxed a little bit before looking at Tsunade. "What's wrong Tsunade-sama?" Kakashi asked.

"Team seven has a mission, Kakashi," Tsunade said. "Get your team together, and you will be leaving in a few hours."

"But what about Sakur-" Kakashi was cut off.

"Don't worry about Sakura," Tsunade said. "I will be watching her until you guys come back. She will be in very capable hands."

Kakashi just nodded, and picked up a still sleeping Naruto. "I'm out then," Kakashi said with a wave, as he walked out the door with Naruto still over one of his shoulders.

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