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  Scott: good morniiiing, how are you?

You couldn't believe how happy I was when I read that massage brightening up the day from the beginning!
What a great idea to check my phone immediately after I woke up!
I took a look at my calendar and saw that I would meet Kirstie today.
I almost forgot that I had to be at her place at 12pm.
We wanted to brunch.
And we already had 10:30am.
I got ready and after another hour I left the flat looking forward to see my best friend again.

I rang at her doorbell and waited.
The door was slowly opened and Kirstin appeared.
"Hey, Mitchy! Come in!"
I smiled at her walked in and hugged her before taking of my shoes and following her to the kitchen.
We cooked fried eggs, some toasts and other things.
Kirstin even bought some delicious looking cakes and any kind of rolls you could think of.
We set the table and sat down starting to eat.
Everything tasted super good and we talked and laughed non-stop.

"Let me tell you something!", I was excited.
"Go ahead!", she answered and leaned back holding her full belly.
"The day before yesterday I went to the cinema.. with Scott-"
"How fucking often do you meet him?!"
"Too little!", I whined, "But you can't believe what he did,... after I told him to!", I made a drum roll and she laughed at my silliness, "He fucking touched me!", I jumped up and down on my chair.
"He did what?", she looked at me shocked, "Where?"
"Ew, I won't tell you! But isn't that amazing?"
"Depending on how one looks at it! Was he okay with it?"
"I think so? We talked yesterday and we cleared up the whole thing!"
"Mhhh, okay"
Suddenly my mood changed.
"But... it's impossible! I need to accept that he only wants to be friends with me"
"What makes you so sure about that?"
"He asked me what we are and what our relationship is, I told him that we are only friends and he nodded" Although I thought I saw a trail of disappointment in his beautiful eyes.
"I think it's better if you just stay friends", she whispered.
"The fuck, Kirstie?"
"Just saying!", she held up her hands defeated and shrugged her shoulders.
I sighed. Why couldn't she just stop?

My phone buzzed when I received a message half an hour later.
With a quick look I saw that Scott texted me again.
My heart jumped and I immediately unlocked my phone to read what he wrote.

  Scott: I wanted to ask if I could visit you tomorrow? At your place? I've never been there and I'm curious ;)

I began breathing louder and got nervous.
He wanted to come to my home.
He wanted to enter my flat and spend time with me.
"What happened?", Kirstin asked worried about my sudden behaving.
"He wants to visit me tomorrow!"
"SCOTT of course!", I practically screamed.
"Wow, calm down! You are way to excited-"
"No, I'm not! Isn't that awesome? I really have to tidy up my whole flat! It has to to be perfect! I need to make a good impression, right? Oh, I hope he'll like everything? I also need to buy some food because I don't have anything! I'm excited, Kirst, sooo excited!", I grabbed her arms and shook them.
"You really are!", she laughed quietly.
"Don't be sad but I think I'll go and buy a few things now!", I looked at her apologizing.
"Scott is more important than me?", she said disappointed.
"I didn't say that!", I answered indignant.
We walked to the door and before I left she held me back: "But don't go to far, ok? Only do what you want!"
"Yes, mum!", I rolled my eyes and smiled at her.
She definitely worries too much.

As I walked back home I couldn't help the oppressive feeling in my stomach and throat.
Again Kirstin made me uncomfortable.
I still couldn't understand her.

I entered the supermarket.
There weren't many people so it was easy to reach the stuff I needed without struggling through a crowd.
I quickly grabbed a cake, sweets, snacks, coke and wine.
I wanted everything to be perfect.
Well, I probably overreacted and put too much effort into the meeting.
When I stood at the checkout I saw condoms.
Should I buy them? I didn't know if I had any left.
Wait, why did I even think about that?
First of all I didn't even want to have Sex and second of all he wouldn't want to of course!
I cursed myself for thinking about it.
"Excuse me, sir?", the young woman with black hair said to me.
It was my turn.
"Eh, yeah, sorry", I whispered embarrassed.
I payed, grabbed the full bag and finally walked home.

I located the food I bought in my kitchen.
I was excited.

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