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My body fell directly onto the hard, white bathtub ground.
When I hit the ground I could hear the loud impact and my shrill scream!
The next thing I felt was an incredible bad pain in my head and hip!
My head throbbed, I could hear a high pitched sound echoeing and my hip burned and was hot!
I began whimpering and crying, couldn't deal with the sudden pain and my misfortune!
I curled up as much as I could with my hurt body when I heard a door open.
"Mitch! What happened?!", Scott's voice was shocked and when he saw me he let a shocked: "Omg!", out.
I felt him run to me and two seconds later a thumb wiped away my tears.
Then I felt two arms wrapping around my naked body and lifting me up.
Goosebumps ran over my body and I wanted him to touch me more but at the same time more pain flood through me and I cried out.
"Ssssssssh, Mitchy, everything is going to be okay!", he whispered into my ear and I shivered.
He carried me into the bedroom, laid me into my bed and I saw him rummage around in my closet until he found a pair of boxers he threw to me while saying: "Put those on, please!"
Shit. I almost forgot that I was completely naked. Bare. Helpless. Exposed.
I tried to put the black loose boxershorts on whimpering and groaning under the pain.
After I was done I let myself fall back into the pillow sighing.
Everything hurt and I couldn't believe this happened. Today!
"Are you okay? Approximately? Stupid question, I know! But what happened?"
I breathed in long and answered not really trusting my voice: "I-I wanted to grab my shampoo and slipped and ... this happened",
"Oh god! What hurts the most?"
"The head and hip!", I whispered.
It was quiet for a minute then he leaned forward and kissed the spot on my head where it hurt the most.
The touch sent tickles through my whole body and I blushed hard.
Suddenly he went down my torso further to my hip.
He quickly looked up and I hope he didn't see my heavy breathing and widened eyes.
Then he placed his lips on my hip kissing the injury and goosebumps expanded over my skin.
He kissed me so near to my crotch.
"Better?", he sat up next to me and looked at me loving and worried.
I just stared into his eyes nodding in trance.
He smiled.
"Do you want to lay here? I can bring you something to drink or eat"
"Can you make me a tea?", I said quietly to weak to be louder.
He nodded and walked out of the room.
I heard him opening different drawers trying to find the things he needed.
15 minutes later he came back to me and sat down a cup filled with hot tea.
"I want to try to walk", I said. I don't want to seem weak.
"Are you sure?"
I nodded.
He grabbed my arms under my armpits and heaved me up.
It hurt but I didn't show emotions.
After a few steps I got more and more confident and learned how to walk without having pain.
By now I could walk without help.
"Does it still hurt?"
"I can abide it!", I said.
I continued walking and knew Scott was watching me.
He suddenly stepped behind me, grabbing my arm to keep me in position.
My heart began beating faster.
"By the way,... nice butt", he whispered into my ear and I knew he was smirking.
This was so embarrassing.
I really didn't want him to see me naked.
Of course I twirled around looking at Scott shocked.
"Did you see... anything else?", I asked scared of the answer.
"No! I could have but I knew you were uncomfortable so I didn't want you to feel worse"
That was so sweet of him.
He was so understanding, accepting and supporting.
"Thank you! That's so nice of you!"
"Is it?", he smiled.
I nodded.
We still stood extremely near to each other and I could feel the tickling and electricity between us.
It was quiet again.
The proximity talked for itself.
"Do you want to drink the tea?", Scott asked.
"Yes please!"
We walked back to the bed slowly and sat down next to each other.
I grabbed the cup and drank from it carefully to not burn my tounge. More pain? Now thanks.
"Uhm, Mitchy?"
"Yes, Scotty?", this was the first time I called him by his nickname. It felt good. So intimate. He smiled. So I assume he liked it too.
"I'm worried about you! Would you mind if I stay over the night? I could sleep on the couch, if it's okay for you", he was insecure but he didn't know how happy those words made me even though I wished he slept with me in my bed.
"Yes, of course!", I smiled happily, "But I think I'm going to sleep now!" I yawned and felt Scott hug me and then lay me back into the bed covering my halfnaked body with the soft blanket.

The last thing I perceived was him closing the door.

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