Chapter 52- "Cheers!"

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My dad bursts into my room, shouting, "Merry Christmas, Anne!"

I groan, "I need my sleep, Dad. Merry Christmas to you too."

He places a gift on my dressing table and leaves. My phone vibrates.

Jerk: Merry Christmas, Anne! We're having a party at my house later; you should come.

Me: Same to you! I'll be there.

I glance at three gifts on my dressing table. One says, "Merry Christmas, Anne, from Dad." I open it—a new laptop! The second, from Stacy, is the dress I wanted online. My dad was too busy to order it, so I'll thank her later.

The last is from Freddie: a skateboard. I need to find someone to teach me how to skate.

I take my dad's, Freddie's, and Stacy's gifts and leave my room. The tree looks lovely, still decorated from last night.

There are many gifts under it, mostly for my friends—I brought a watch for my dad, gold earrings for Stacy, and two tickets to Miami for Freddie's New Year's vacation.

Stacy hugs me: "Merry Christmas! Do you love my gift?"

I nod. I can wear that dress to Justin's parents' New Year's Eve party.

I smile as I hand her a small box. She gasps and hugs me tightly: "It's lovely! Thanks, Anastasia."

I realize Freddie isn't here.

Dad says, "It's Christmas; I let him go home for the holidays. He'll be back the day after tomorrow."

I reply, "But his flight is in four days; he needs to pack!"

Dad frowns. "Flight?"

I nod. "My gift for him is two tickets to Miami for a week."

Stacy smiles.

I give Dad his watch. He says, "Now, for your second gift. Close your eyes."

I do, and Stacy and Dad guide me somewhere—I think it's the garage.

"Open your eyes," Dad says.

I gasp. It's a blue SUV! I hug Dad, exclaiming, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

He chuckles, "I'm glad you like it."

After breakfast, Dad informs me, "Your aunt Vanessa and uncle Liam are coming over for dinner with Trina and her boyfriend tonight."

I groan.


Justin's POV

I wake to knocking on my door—it's my cousin, Jerry.

I open it, and he runs in. "Merry Christmas, Justin! Look what Aunt Jessica gave me!" He shows me his new toy truck.

I ruffle his hair. "Nice! I'll be down in a minute." He nods and dashes back out.

After dressing, I head downstairs.

Mom greets me: "Merry Christmas, Justin! Here's a present from me and your father." She hands me a key.

I look puzzled. "What's this?"

"It's the private beach house you visit with friends every summer," she explains.

I smile and hug her. I've always wanted my own beach house for spring break parties.

I hand her my gift—a new cookbook. "For the New Year's Eve party! I'll try some recipes," she beams.

Dad walks in with a wrapped box. "Here's the order from two weeks ago for your best friend."

I nod. It's a brand new Xbox and tablet for Jordan. We did a gift exchange; I wonder who got me.

Jerry tugs at my mom's arm. "I want cookies, please!"

She sighs, "Let's go, Jerry," taking him to the kitchen.

Dad reminds me, "Make sure everyone leaves early after the party." I nod. The party invites are just my friends and Dad's business friends' kids so I can meet them before the big party.


Anastasia's POV

7:30 pm

I'm at Justin's house, holding a gift for Carlos.

We enter the living room, now a dance floor, packed with my friends and twenty-five other teens in designer clothing.

Justin says, "Once these people leave, we'll exchange gifts."

I nod as Christmas music plays and everyone chats.

Some girls watch Justin, Jordan, Jacob, and Carlos flirtatiously. Jordan starts to chat up a group of girls.

I shake my head. A blonde girl sneers, "Who are you? You don't belong here; this is Justin's party."

"I'm Anastasia Montez, his close friend," I reply, smirking.

She backtracks, "Sorry, I didn't know. I didn't mean to be rude." She walks away, looking embarrassed.

I hang out with the boys and Gregory, who is also getting attention from the girls. They remind me of spoiled girls like Nikki and Stephanie.

I spend the night drinking soda and munching on Christmas cookies while chatting with friends.


After everyone leaves, I say, "Carlos, I got you this—Merry Christmas!" I hand him his gift.

He gives a gift to Arlene, who gives one to Kyle, who hands me mine.

Justin gives Jordan his gift, then Kyle passes his to me. Jacob gives one to Luke, and Justin gets his from Luke. Jordan hands his brother his gift.

"Merry Christmas, everyone! Here's to a fantastic New Year—may 2017 be better than 2016. Cheers!"

We all raise our glasses and shout, "Cheers!"

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