Chapter [9]

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She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist as he gave her a piggy back ride all the way down the stairs.

"Weeeee!" She chimed tossing her arms in the air.

"You are such a child." Maya commented as they entered the kicthen.

"Am not!" Zara argued.

"Are too!" Maya shot back.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"I give up." Zara grunted jumping off Blake's back and into the nearest chair.

"Yaya!" Maya cheered doing a little victory dance before going back to cooking her bacon.

"And you call me the child." Zara muttered under her breath.

Blake placed a plate of bacon amd eggs in front of her.

She squealed. "Bacon!" She shouted.

Blake plopped down in the seat next to her with his own food in front of him.

"So unladylike." Maya said in a British accent, faking disappointment by shaking her head.

"So unmanly." Zara mimcked Maya.

"Thats because I'm a women damn it!" She shouts, face palming.

"Since when?" Zara asked faking confusion as she furrowed her eye brows.

"I give up." Maya muttered but since they're werewolfs they picked it up.

Blake pecked Zara's cheek as they began eating.


Her arms draped aroumd his shoulders, legs around his waist, she moaned as he planted wet kisses down her neck.

Her body was pushed against the wall, he nibbled on her ear lobe making her moan again.

His lips connected with hers once more, they're mouths danced together in rhythm.

A loud knock on the bed room door made Zara pull away.

He growled before putting her down and angerly stalking towards the door he pulled it open.

"What do you want Parker!" He barked, making Parker flinch.

"You weren't picking up you're mind link, Alpha, and I wanted to inform you that Xander has found his mate." He bowed his head in submission knowing his Alpha wasn't happy to be interrupted.

"Go." The Alpha muttered, as Parker turned and walked away he shut the door softly.

"What's going on?" Zara asked creping towards him from behind and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Xander found his mate." He said putting on a smile for his mate.

"Really?" She asked shocked.


"Oh my gosh! We have to go meet her! Now!" She shouted pulling her mate by his forearm and practically dragging him as she followed Xander's scent to the living room.

As she entered to living room she saw a face she never thought she would see again sitting right next to Xander, fingers intertwined.

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