Chapter [16]

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A shrill scream awoke Blake in the middle of the night making him instantaneously jump up and grab Zara tightly pulling her into his chest.

"B-Blake?" Zara quivered handing him a folded piece of paper. "I woke u-up and it was he-here and I freaked."

Blake slowly opened the letter and the words written made his blood boil.

Dear Zara,

I see you and my brother are getting along fine, its a shame I'll have to bring that to an end. Anyways, I have not given this to you to boast tho that is fun, I came to deliver a message. Come to the south border tomorrow night at 8:00 sharp. Alone. And I will leave my brother's pack alone if you willingly come with me and be my wife until then,


Blake shook violently with rage his eye's turning a pitch black, Zara placed a soothing hand on his arm and slowly brushed her fingers up and down calming Blake and his wolf instantly.

Blake was about to speak but Zara beat him to it. "Let's go to sleep and worry about it in the morning."


The next morning as Blake and Zara awoke they called an emergency meeting with their head warriors, The Beta and Beta female, the third in command and the female third.

As everyone bustled into the meeting room seeing their Luna's worried face brought worry to themselves.

"Alpha, Luna." Everyone greeted with a slight bow.

"What's going on?" Parker bellowed looking between his Alpha and Luna with a panicked expression.

"Brent has contacted us."After Blake says that everyone gasps quietly.

Xander shakily asks, "What did he say?"

Zara bit her lip and said, "He wants me to meet him at the south border tonight at eight P.M. Sharp."

This time it was Tyson- one of the head warriors- asked, "What are we going to do?"

"We are going to come up with a plan and we're going to capture him." Blake exclaims angrily with a smirk he clasps his hands together and they get to work.

At 8:00 sharp as said Zara arrived at the southern borders alone she stood on the very line of the borders looking around expectantly.

"Zara." A voice said and she snapped her head to the left and there stood a copy of Blake on the other side of the border.

"Brent?" She asked unsurely with a single raised eyebrow.

Brent smirked. "The one and only."

Zara nodded silently.

"So I see you've agreed to be my wife, yes?" Brent said with an evil glint in his dark eyes.

Again Zara nodded. "Only if you promise to leave Blake's pack alone."

"I never break my promises." Brent takes another step and stands on the edge of the free lands, standing on a stick and making the sound of the twig snapping echo in the otherwise silent forest.

"Come." Brent motioned with his hand to come across the territory.

Zara toke a sharp intake of breath and crossed the territory almost immediately Brent shoves her into his chest and sniffs her neck.

With all her might Zara pushed her and Brent into Shade packs territory. (A/N: shade pack is Zara and Blake's pack if you forgot)

Brent shouted, "What the hell was that?!"

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