Chapter [12]

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Zara slipped out of the room noiselessly, like a mouse, and tip toed down the staircase in the darkness.

She swung the back door open and the cool night breeze smacked her across the face.

With a smile etched on het face, she pranced off to the forest.

She pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it to the ground with the rest of her clothes, then she swiftly shifted into her midnight black wolf and took off running at an unnatural speed.

The crickets chirped and the frogs croaked as she flew past a small lake.

Her movements were gracful- her black fur swiveling as she dodges many tree's.

She stopped and realised a playful howl.

After what seems like hours of running which is really only minutes she gets a mind link.

Zara where the hell are you?! Are you okay? Blake's voice was panicked as it spirals in her mind.

I'm fine. I just went out for a run. No worries. She assured her mate.

Taking a sharp turn she ran back to the pack house as the leave's crunched beneath her paws.

She shifted back and quickly slid into her clothes, then proceeding to run into the house.

"Zara," Blake embraced her as she ran into his arms, "you need to tell me the next time you're going for a run, hunters or rouges could've been out there! You could've gotten hurt!" He scolded his girl.

"But I'm not hurt." She pointed out, then giving him a peck on the lips.

He picked her up bridal style making her squeal and him chuckle.

"C'mon its like three in the morning." He explained as he carried her to their room.

"Okay." The door shut behind them and he placed her on the large bed, he sprawled out next to her.

"I love you." She whispered in his ear with a ghost of a smile plastered on her innocent face.

"I love you." He whispered back huskily.


"Yes!" Zara cheered the next morning as she got a new high score on her favorite game: fruit ninja.

"Yes! What?" Riley asked as she sat down beside her, filling her cup with orange juice.

"I got a new high score on fruit ninja!" She grinned like an idiot.

"Ah I see." Riles nodded curtly.

Xander stumbled into the room with Blake.

"Morning baby." Blake said placing a loving kiss on Zara's cheek.

"Morning." She replied instantly, with a smile she set her phone down and ate another spoon full of cereal.

"You guys are the cutest couple." Maya said dreamily as she and Parker entered the room.

"No," Parker growled, "we are the cutest couple."

"Okay they're the second cutest couple." She giggled sitting down across from Zara.

Zara ruffled up Blake's hair. "You're so adorable." She sighed dramatically.

"I am not adorable," He faked offence,"I am sexy."

"You got me there." Zara stuck her hands in the air in mock surrender.

A little girl walked into the kitchen with a smile. "Hi Alpwa and Luna." She said.

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