Chapter [5]

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The wind nipped at her fur as her paws pounded on the forest floor and her black fur withered in the wind. Her eyes twinkled and she watched as the birds flew through the sky and the sun peeked through the clouds.

Ash insisted they go for a run, she claimed she needed to be free from this cage called the human body. Yeah, Zara thought it was a little dramatic too. They were both quite surprised when Blake let them go alone. He trusts them and that means the world to the two of them.

Ever since the truth was out about Zara being kidnapped came out, he has been a lot more protective and possessive over her. Zara was annoyed at first but her wolf just thinks its plain hot.

Nearing the pack house, Ash gave Zara control of their wolf form and Zara trotted over to the willow tree she hid her clothes by.

In a minute she was dressed and entering the pack house in content.

Her shoes cackled on the marble floor as she entered the humongous living room and Zara plopped down beside Maya on the couch.

Maya smiled. "Whats up?" She asked with a casual raised eyebrow as she leaned into the leather couch.

Zara looked up at the ceiling for a solid minute before responding. "The sky." She said with a shrug, looking back down from the ceiling and to Maya.

"Smart ass are we," Maya chuckled running a lazy hand down her face and biting the inside of her cheek.

Zara groaned. "I am exhausted." She complained and groaned as Maya rolled her eyes obnoxiously.

"Aren't we all." She sighed in reply.

"Lets do something." Zara said, sinking into the couch like Maya and crossing her legs over each other in a cross-cross-applesauce kind of way.

"Pizza." Maya suggested looking up at Zara with a new found hope. Zara's eyes lit up like a kids on Christmas.

Zaya grinned deviously. "Pizza indeed." She sighed in satisfaction.

Maya and Zara shot up from the comfort of the couch and dashed out of the house and to the car without a second thought and they soon arrived at Pizza Hut.

They walked into the building with ease and flew to the nearest booth as they began a casual conversation while they waited for their waiter to arrive. Soon the waiter arrived. "What will you two lovely ladies be having?" He asked, holding a notepad and pen and a cheeky smile graced his young face.

"One pepperoni pizza." Maya and Zara said in unison and giggled a moment afterwards.

"Bacon stuffed bread sticks." They said again at the same time. The waiter chuckled at the two girls.

"Pepsi." They finished.

The waiter smiled. "Okay I'll be right back with you're order." He grabbed the menus off the table that the girls didn't even open and walked away.

Both the girls looked at each other before they burst into a fit of giggles. How alike were the two?

"Who knew we were so much a like." Zara commented after their laughter died down and that did take a long minute.

"Who knew." Maya chirped while smirking at Zara who most likely will soon be her new best friend,

Zara winked.

They burst into another fit of giggles, getting glares by the snotty people around in other booths and tables.

As their waiter came strolling towards them the girls mouths watered at the scent of warm, fresh pizza. And breadsticks.

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