Chapter One

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A young girl with a grey hat on top of her long wavy brown hair walks into a nearby Walgreens.  The clerk watches her as she walk into the back of the store near where all the food is.  The girl pulls her hat lower when she feels the man's eyes on her.  She quickly turns around her emerald green eyes shooting the clerk a stern look, but she all she sees is him sitting down and looking through a magazine about Motorcycles. 

    'Now's my chance' she thinks.  She swiftly and quietly opens one of the fridges and grabs water, a box of squeezable applesauce, and oranges.  She then turns around and grabs a few granola bars, cereal, and a box of rice crispies. Hey a girl has to have a treat once in awhile. She shoots a quick glance toward the cashier, seeing that he isn't looking at her she shoves them into her backpack.  She then walks down another aisle, with medicine.  She grabs an ace bandage, bandages, wipes, chapstick and a bottle of painkillers.  Again making sure the man wasn't watching her she shoves it into her bag. 

She takes a deep breath and walks toward the door.  The clerk coughs, she winces and turns around thinking she got caught.  "Have a nice day," the man says.

The girl just nods her head slightly and walks out. Once she is outside she lets out a breath of air she didn't know she was holding and runs the opposite direction of the store, well runs the best she can.  Once she finds her normal spot under an abandoned train tracks she digs in her bag for her painkillers, and the ace bandage.  She rolls up her pant leg while reaching to two sticks that she found that seems sturdy enough. 

She studies her leg closely knowing something was wrong with it.  She knows she should go to the clinic, it's free after all.  But also only being 14 can raise some questions.  Also if something really is wrong with it they would need her parents contact information, which she didn't have nor knew, she would have to give them her foster parents information and they hate her.  That's why she ran away last week, when she had enough of their abuse.

She took the ache bandage in one hand and the sticks in the other.  While supporting her leg on a rock she unwrapped the bandage quickly.  She grabs the sticks putting it on either side of her leg and begins to tightly wrap her leg.  When she is done she digs through her bag and finds two safety pins and pins the bandage.  Next she takes the bandages out and and pours water over her cut up arms and side.  She winces at the sudden pain where the scrapes, bruises, and deep cuts were.  Fighting back tears she puts the bottle of water down and puts the bandages on the wounds. 

After getting everything taken care of she tries to stand up not putting any pressure on her leg.  She picks up her backpack with one hand and grabs another stick longer this time a bit smaller than her height and begins to limp out of the tunnel.  After a few steps the pain gets worse she told herself she wouldn't take them but it was to hard not to with all this pain.  She reaches into her bad, grabs a few painkillers and swallows them in one gulp.  She didn't expect the relief to come so quickly but it did and she continued to walk out. 

A few weeks late while the sun started to set and it was soon dark outside the girl continued on leaning on the walking stick once in awhile throwing a few painkillers in her mouth.  She was now near a few houses and apartments.  Most of the lights were turned on, 'either people were at work or just liked to keep their darn lights off all the time' she thought.  She stops abruptly when she begins to feel dizzy, but starts again when it quickly goes away.  The dizziness may be gone but then a shot of pain ran up her leg, enough pain to make her scream.  She never showed weakness she new better enough.  She has been hurt many times and a word never escaped her mouth.  She dropped her walking stick and gripped her leg as she fell on the ground.  The pain was too much, enough to make her pass out.

James Wilson was walking down the street toward his apartment when he saw a figure in the grass.  At first he thought he was imagining things but as he got closer he saw a young girl laying on the ground.  He walked up to her having the intention of asking what she was doing out so late and where her parents where.  But when he got closer he noticed how pale she was and how she wasn't responding.  Wilson dropped his things and turned the girl over, he saw that a backpack was slung over her shoulder and her hat was nearly falling off.  He took the hat and backpack of quickly and checked her pulse.  It was there gladly but barely.  Wilson took his cell out and dialed the hospital he worked at, Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. 

Soon people arrived and he jumped on the ambulance with the paramedics.  The paramedics couldn't figure out what happened to her telling him to send her to Dr. House.  While on the way to the hospital they found that she wrapped her leg up with an ace bandage and two sticks, and had three bottles of painkillers in her backpack.  What happened to this girl to make her like this? What happened to her leg? Where's her parent? Who is she?

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