Chapter Six:

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The doctors finally got Amelia to stop throwing up blood, they had to add more blood to her body after she stopped throwing it up since she threw up so much. House's team ended up diagnosing her with Pneumonia and put her on oxygen therapy, and set up an IV giving her fluids to stop it from getting worse and hopefully stop it. House for once feels bad for someone. This kid who is only 14 has what he has and Pneumonia. House was originally walking to her room to just talk to her, see how she was doing and maybe bring up adopting her but the fever and nose bleed interrupted it so he never asked her. He knows he should ask her soon before social services come and try to take her away from him. He just doesn't know if right now is a good time to ask her that question, considering she is sick. House hasn't slept since Amelia has gotten admitted, since he found out she was suffering like he is, that she is in constant pain like he is. It pains him to see her like that, to see her suffering the constant pain. It never was like that with anyone else, why would it be like that with this girl, who was a stranger a few days ago. The answer to that was that she strongly reminded him of himself, and not just the leg and the attitude, even if that is what caught his attention first.

Wilson walks into House's office near ten o'clock at night. Wilson was wearing a blue dress shirt, black tie, black dress pants, black dress shoes and his hair was combed neatly to the side. Wilson's presentation was good except for the fact that he looked tired and worn out. Today he had to tell a young adult at the age of seventeen that they had stage three pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer has a very slim chance of survival and we don't yet know what really causes it. The young adult though was very understanding since his father died a few years ago from it. Yet it is still sad for Wilson, he just doesn't shed any tears when he delivers the news, but he is caring and shows it. Wilson was House's only friend, he stayed with House throughout everything and would do anything for House. Even if House doesn't admit it, he would do the same for Wilson.

"Have you asked her yet," Wilson asks House.

House takes off his glasses and looks up from his computer, "Not yet."

Wilson frowns deeply, "Why haven't you yet. I doubt she would say no. Gosh you guys are like the same person."

House frowns, "Well I was going to tell her but they she started puking blood!"

Wilson gives House a sympathetic smile, "Go ask her now, she's stable."

House glares at Wilson, "Don't give me that look Wilson."

James's eyes widen, "What look?"

House retorts back, "The 'I feel bad for you' look."

Wilson just smiles, "Go House. Go ask her now before I drag you there."

House glares at him, "Fine."

House gets up from his chair grabbing his cane before walking out. Before he gets out of his office his pager goes off. He stops in his tracks and looks down, to his relief it wasn't about Amelia but it was Cuddy.

He huffs and turns toward Wilson, "Can you go tell Cuddy I'm dealing with important business just don't tell her what it is."

Wilson nods and House leaves his office. On his way he stops at the vending machine and buys two candy bars. One for him and another for Amelia. He isn't going to use it as a bribe, he thinks she deserves something but bland tasting hospital food everyday. He turns around after grabbing the candy and putting them in his pocket and runs into Cuddy. She glares at him looking at the candy.

"You couldn't come to my office because you were getting yourself candy," Cuddy says to House.

House leans on his cane glaring back at her, "Actually no, I was going to my patient's room."

Cuddy looks at the candy then to House, "With candy?"

House is already on a short temper and this isn't making it better, "Yes with candy! So what? What do you want?"

Cuddy looks at House shocked, "Why are you visiting the patient? You never do that."

House narrows his eyes at Cuddy he frown, "Wilson told you didn't he?"

Cuddy grins, "Yes he did tell me you were thinking about adopting her."

House groans, "Can't he ever keep his mouth shut!"

House stomps away from Cuddy heading directly to Amelia's room. He has to tell her before Wilson or Cuddy does. He takes off toward Amelia's room, not stopping because he knows if he does he won't come back and ask this question. He already is on a short leash and knows if someone bothers him he will snap. The only one who he might not snap at is Amelia, he doesn't know yet. Questions flood his mind; will she say yes? What will it be like if she does say yes? He finally gets to her door he turns around trying to clear his mind. He takes out his Vicodin and throw a few in his mouth before turning around again looking at Amelia. It looks like she is sleeping in the hospital bed, which she should be, she must be so tired. He debates actually going in and asking. He almost leaves the doorway turning toward his office but, Amelia turns in her sleep. He stops and looks at her he takes a deep breathe and walks in. Amelia is still asleep so House just sits in the chair watching her closely. Amelia was small for her age, her body fame was very thin and fragile. But she still had piercing green eyes that can kill. When her eyes were in the right amount of light they shined and glittered.

"You know it's creepy to stare at someone? I know I'm pretty, but come one I'm fourteen," Amelia says laughing.

House looks at her, "Sorry about that."

"Why are you here? Are you here to finally tell me what you were going to tell me but chickened out," Amelia says sitting up raising an eyebrow.

"Did Wilson tell you? And yes I am here for that," House asks the small girl.

"I get Wilson is a blabber mouth. But I've been sleeping, haven't seen him all day. But no he did not tell me anything," Amelia says shaking her head still smirking.

"Oh good. Because it is my business not his," House says seriously.

Amelia raises her eyebrow at House, "So what were you going to tell me?"

House blinks fast and just flat out asks her, "I was wondering if you would be okay, and if you would want me to adopt you?"

Amelia smiles a small smile, "Sure."

House looks at her shocked, "Really?"

Amelia chuckles at his reaction, "Yes really. You've shown me nothing but kindness, well the best you can. I trust you, I wouldn't have opened up to you and told you my story if I didn't trust you. So yes, you can adopt me. I'd be happy if you adopted me."

House smiles a real smile, one that he hasn't expressed in a while if ever, "Thank you Amelia! I'll contact Social Services and get the adoption forms."

"So what should I call you now?" Amelia asks smirking at him raising an eyebrow as well.

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