Chapter Nine:

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Previously in When a Trembling Hand Reaches:

Okay.  Thank you Doctor House.  After looking at your house, your applications and your answers to the questions I've asked. You------"


The stern looking lady stops and eyes House looking at him intensely, as if trying to find a huge flaw, which he had many which that can effect how Amelia grew up.

She lets out a puff of air, "You can adopt her. Just sign these papers and Amelia Izabella Hilton is now Amelia Izabella House."

House smiled as he took the papers from the lady and quickly filled them out, after handing them back to her he reached over and grabbed his jacket, backpack and cane and followed the lady out of his house. Gregory House waited until the lady was out of his view before he jumped on his motorcycle and drove off quickly to the hospital. House had a smile on his face all the way to the hospital. When he walked in he continued to smile, before walking into his office he went to Cuddy's office still smiling.

Cuddy was doing paperwork when House walked in, in a cheerful mood. When Cuddy didn't look up at him he sat down in the chair across from her and smiled as he propped his chin on his hand and stared at her. Cuddy looked up and flinched not noticing his presence until that moment.

"How did it go," she asked House putting down her paperwork.

"They said yes. I am now her guardian," House said cheerfully to Cuddy.

"That's fantastic House," Cuddy says smiling brightly.

"I know, that's why I'm happy. Now goodbye I'm going to go check on her," House says getting up.

House grabs his cane and walks up out of Cuddy's office. The clinic is full of people coughing, they probably all have a simple cold and just want the free health care or whatever those people want, probably drugs. The walk from the clinic to just the elevator was long enough. What happened after was worse. House pressed the elevator button like an usual day and waited to get in the elevator. When the elevator arrived he got on by himself like any other day. He pressed the button to get to the floor where his office and Amelia's room was and it started to go up, again like any other day. But when it reached between his floor and another the elevator stopped, and the little red light in the elevator started to flash. Doctor House rolled his eyes and murmured 'great'. He stood there for a while, after about ten minutes of standing there he gave up and sat on the ground. His phone started to buzz in his pocket it was Wilson.

House flipped open his phone and spoke, "What Wilson?"

Wilson sounded frantic on the phone, "House were are you?"

"I'm stuck in the elevator. What's wrong," House asked standing up painfully.

"It's Amelia. Her Pneumonia came back and now she is coughing harshly," Wilson said again sounding frantic.

"Then start her on antibiotics. I'll be up there as soon as I can get out of this stupid elevator," House groaned.

Wilson sighed, "We tried House. I wouldn't be calling you if we hadn't. The thing is she won't let us give it to her."

House leaned his head on the wall knowing Amelia's stubbornness, "And why not Wilson?"

"She told us she will only let us give it to her, if you gave it to her and not us," Wilson signed.

"Wilson can you give your phone to her. Let me talk to her," House said.

A moment later Amelia picked up sounding sick, "Hello?"

"Hey sweetie, guess what? The inspector came over to my house today and said I could adopt you," House said kindly.

House could hear through all of the sickness her cheer up just a little bit, "Really? Where are you anyway?"

House chucked, "I'm stuck in a elevator. You have to listen to me okay?"

Amelia sounded unsure for a moment, "Okay?"

"You have to let my team give you the antibiotics. I don't know how long I will be stuck. The antibiotics can help. Please just let them give it to you so you can get better," House pleaded.

He could hear her smirk over the phone, "Did the great Doctor House just say please? Okay I'll let them give it to me. Just try to get your ars up here soon."

House chucked, "I'll try."

She chuckled then handed the phone back to Wilson who said, "What did you do House? To make her say yes?"

House smirked, "Just informed her that Social Services approved me."

Wilson smiled, "Really! That's great! Congrats House!"

"Yeah, yeah. Now give her the antibiotics and tell her to listen to you and only you when I am gone. I will be there as soon as I can," House says before hanging up his cell phone.

He walks over to the emergency button and pushes it, when nothing happens he pushes it again, and again, and again, and again, and again. Finally someone picks up clearly annoyed with him. He decides to play along just to make something fun and to keep his mind off of Amelia for a while. When the lady over the intercom comes on he says quiet when she gets off he rings the bell again, and again, and again. This goes on for about five minutes until he decides to finally speak up.

"You know, there is a person stuck in the elevator trying to get out to save his young patient's life," he yells into the intercom.

The lady on the other end seems to get even more annoyed, "We are trying our best Doctor House. We will have you out of there soon."

House rolls his eyes, "Better be sooner than later."

House's phone rigs and he picks it up its Wilson, "What's up Wilson? How's Amelia?"

Wilson sounds distrested, "Not good."

House's eyes widen, "How? What's wrong? Tell me Wilson!"

Wilson says sadly over the phone, "Amelia coughing up blood again, much more than last time. We need to find out what's killing her soon, or she won't live another two hours."

House gulps, "What do you think it is?"

Wilson sadly looks down the phone to his ear, "I think it's cancer."

House sadly looks down almost dropping his phone, "Start her on chemo and schedule her for surgery and a CT of her lungs, throat, and anything else that can be causing this."

House closes the phone sadly scooting down the wall putting his head in his hands. How can this girl possibly have both his condition and cancer?

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