Chapter Seven:

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House smiles as he starts typing in his information on a document that social services emailed to him. He had to fill in his first name; Gregory. His last name; House. Occupation: Head of Diagnostics at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. House also had to fill in his address, Amelia's full name and a bunch of other things that the adoption paper needed. Once he finished filling it out he signed it and emailed it back to them. They apparently had to interview him personally and check out his house, which meant that he would have to clean it and hide most of his stashes of Vicodin. But it had to wait right now for a few more hours until he got to go home. He knew that Cuddy would never fire him if he did go home early, if it was any other day with any other patient he would have went home. But Amelia is different, not only is she now his adoptive daughter but she reminds him of himself when he was around her age. This thought always crosses his mind. What would have happened to her if Wilson never found her on the side of the road when he did? The answer is simple she would still be in pain if not dead, and House would never had met her.

House makes his way to the cafeteria, passing Amelia's room on the way seeing her bob her head with the beat of the music she is playing. House smiles and continues toward the elevator. Once he gets there he pushes the button with his cane and gets in. Right before the door closes Wilson runs into the elevator and stands next to House. House looks at Wilson then back at the ground.

"So did you ask her," Wilson asks breaking the awkward silence between them.

"Yes," House says simply, thumping his cane on the ground.

Wilson's face brightens up, "Really? What did she say?"

House looks up at him and smirks, "Yes, and Yes."

Wilson's face brightens up even more if that is even possible, "Really! That's great congratulations!"

House smirks at Wilson, "Thanks."

The elevator opens revealing House's team. They swap places, House and Wilson stepping out of the elevator while the team steps into the elevator. House doesn't even acknowledge them and turns around and walks into the cafeteria. Wilson follows at his heels. House walks up to the cashier and grabs a cookie and makes Wilson pay for as usual. Wilson really is a good friend to House. Amelia was right every ass needs a friend that is the complete opposite of him. In this case House is the ass and Wilson is the complete opposite. Wilson has always been caring, gentle and always wanted to be a doctor. The only time this wasn't true was when he was sent to jail for shattering a glass mirror with a bottle when he was drunk. Wilson was the one who found House's soon to be daughter on the side of the road. Any other person would have left her there, not try to help her. Any other person would have left her on the streets in pain to die. That's who Wilson was, Wilson was the man who would help this girl no matter what the costs were. Maybe he would make a better father to Amelia. No, Amelia chose House. She chose House to be trusted among everyone else in the hospital, she chose him to share her life story to. She chose House for a reason, maybe something other than that. But House hopefully has enough time to figure that out. House leans over and takes one of the fries off of Wilson's plate once he sits down. All Wilson does is glare at House for a second then goes back to eating his food. House lets out a huff of breath then his pager goes off. He looks down at it and his face goes pale. It was from his team, an urgent call regarding Amelia.

When House got to her room he saw her struggling to breathe, and clutching her chest letting out cries between coughs. House then knew that this was not Pneumonia it was something else, something bad, and he had to cure it quickly before it was to late. House send his team to do a Pleural Effusion to check for fluid in her lungs. When Cameron was off doing that House sent his team to check out her last foster home.

When everyone left House checked his email seeing an email from social services:

Dear Dr. House,

We are pleased to inform you that you will be able to adopt Amelia Izabella Hilton. We just need to set up an interview with you an inspect your home. Your inspection date is tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning.

Thank you,

Katy Miller- Head of Social Services

House frowns, that's tomorrow! But this is to urgent to go home. But if he doesn't go home he won't we able to adopt Amelia. House huffs, grabs his cane, his back pack filling it with a few medical books and his game boy and leaves his office. He takes the elevator by himself to the lobby. Once he is down there he sees people walking in and out of the clinic, and phones buzzing on the front desks and he also spots Cuddy walking right at him. House groans when she comes up to him.

"Where are you going? You didn't do your clinic hours! And it's just pasted lunch time, you can't go home yet," Cuddy yells at him.

House rolls his eyes at her, "Well if you must know. I am going home to fix the house up. Social Services are coming tomorrow morning to inspect it. It has to look good if I want to adopt Amelia."

"So you just going to clean up," Cuddy asks putting her hand on her hip.

"Yes, now can I go now," House asks pretending to pout.

"Fine just be here early," Cuddy says.

House begins to walk away, "Can't do that!"

Cuddy gives House a stern look, "And why not?"

"Inspection at nine o'clock," House says over his shoulder.

Once outside House gets on his motorcycle, putting his cane in the holder he had made and drives off toward his house. When he is outside his door he produces his keys and unlocks the door. House hasn't left the hospital in days so the house looks the same.

House says to himself, "Okay, now lets finish this."

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