Chapter Tweleve

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I'm so sorry for not updating, I've been super busy with school and activities.  I will try to update this week if I can.  For this chapter and the rest of the book everything in italics are someone thinking or something written down, I will specify which is which.  Thanks for staying with this book.  Comment what you think, theories, what you want to see, if you want me to add a character (dm features, names, relationship with the characters), and predictions.  


A few hours later Amelia wakes up and the first thing she notices that House isn't in the room.  She rolls her eyes and groans, why isn't he here she thinks.  I just found out I have cancer and he isn't even here.  What a jerk....  The thing is I don't mind that he is a jerk, he's like me.  Just I really wish he was here.  Amelia turns toward the window and watches the busy hospital, doctors and nurses shuffling around, taking phone calls, pages and bringing treatment to patients.  Amelia closes her eyes and listens closely trying to listen to each and every voice and machine.  She frowns and rolls over so her back is facing the door, that's when she notices a small note tucked between the bed and her pillow.  She smirks a small smirk and grabs the note sitting up in the process and begins to read.


I am so sorry for all of this happening to you.  Once you wake up I will try my best to get you out of  here so you can come home.  Let's play a game: let's freak out some nurses and doctors.  When you are done reading this note start ringing the emergency buzzer that calls nurses, when I see them walk out of your room agitated and annoyed I will come over :).  Wilson probably will want lunch so I'll pick you up on the way.  One last thing: there's a camera I planted in your room, so we can get the nurses reaction when they run in.  


Amelia chuckles to herself silently and looks around the room quickly locating the camera hidden near the sink.  The camera is so small barely visible unless you are looking for a camera.  She chuckles gives the camera a thumbs up and reaches over to the emergency button and starts frantically pressing the button.  About seven to ten nurses run in asking what is wrong.

Amelia smirks and says dramatically before pretending to pass out, "Nurse! I think... I think.."

Amelia could hardly keep from laughing as the nurses start yelling out the door, "I need a doctor in here!"

Amelia got herself to fall onto the ground after passing out to make it more dramatic.  The nurses scrabble to pick up Amelia and get her back on the bed.  When the nurses turn around to grab equipment to revive Amelia she sits up and raises an eyebrow smirking.  

"You know before you try to revive someone, you should probably check their pulse before shocking them.  You could have actually killed me you know," Amelia says as they turn around making them jump.

They all drop their stuff and walk out annoyed as she smirks.  After they all walked out she turns toward the camera.

Rolling her eyes she says, "Nurses.  Even a kid could outsmart them.  But seriously House they could have killed me," Amelia stops and dramatically looks around.  "Maybe that's what they are doing, they are trying to kill all of the doctors patients so they can take over the world."

Not to long after Amelia leans back on the bed waiting for House to walk in he walks in, with a proud smirk on his face, "Good job Amelia! I'm so proud of my mini-me."

Amelia smirks raising an eyebrow, "I can't be a mini-you.  You're a male, I'm a female, thus we are different.  But the difference stops there."

"Wilson is going to meet us in the cafeteria, let's go," House says taking the wheelchair out and offering to help Amelia.

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