Chapter Eleven:

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House's mind races as he limps over to Amelia's small frame laying in the bed. She was pale and looked like all of her energy was drained out of her, this broke his heart. His little girl, not only was in constant pain like him but soon will be because of the cancer. Why did she get this cancer, why did it have to be her. Heck he wishes it was him who had the cancer not her. This was the first time in his life that House didn't think about himself but another person. All Gregory House wanted was to cure Amelia so she can come home and be happy, to not have to worry about the cancer. All this time House was wrapped up in the pain in his leg and never thought about anyone else's pain, but now he is thinking about someone else's pain; his daughter's. Amelia will be faces with months of pain not only from her leg but the pain the cancer and it's treatment will cause her. House will have to be with her every step of the way, the path she was going to have to take was going to be a dark one. On this path she can become depressed, have suicidal thoughts and much more that are very server. House took on that father figure for Amelia and at this time he really needs to show it. People have told him before he isn't good at comforting people, but now it is the time to change that. House took another deep breathe and sat down next to Amelia and held her hand stroking it with his figures.

"I am able to adopt you Amelia, we are going to be a family," House half whispered.

"I know, you told me. Besides feeling like crap, I am happy we are going to be a family," Amelia starts but stops at looks at House deeply. "But that's not why you came here is it? Something bad happened, I can tell."

House took another deep breathe and looked up sadly into Amelia's eyes, holding back his own tears, "Amelia, we got the CT scans back."

Amelia looked at Gregory House closely, "I'm guessing they showed something really bad."

House gulped squeezing her hand, "Yes. Your lungs were covered in small tumors," House stopped trying to keep tears from falling.

Amelia froze for a second then squeezed his hand back, "Does that mean I have... cancer?"

House looked back up at Amelia and said in a voice hardly above a whisper, "Yes."

Small tears welled in Amelia's eyes. She could not believe she had cancer, there must be a mistake. But the famous Gregory House does not make mistakes, her father does not make mistakes. She looked at him, she could tell he was about to cry. Tears slid down her face.She leaned over and hugged him. She heard a small sniffle from him, he was clearly trying to hide it, she smirked.

"Is the famous Gregory House crying over a patient," Amelia said releasing her hug looking at him with an eyebrow raised and a smirk on her face.

House looked at her, "I am not crying."

Amelia laughed, "I think you are."

House smirked at her, "I am not!"

"Are too," Amelia retorted back.

House gave up, "Fine I was, but just a little."

Amelia smiled in victory, "I win!"

House frowned, "Are you okay Amelia?"

Amelia looked at him puzzled, "I don't know. I feel the same actually, but now I have someone who is there for me no matter what. I know I should be sad, angry or whatever but right now I don't feel anything. Most people after hearing this news are in pain but I feel like I do all the time."

House looked into Amelia's eyes, "I am here for you. Whenever you need me I am here. If you are ever angry or sad you can talk to me. I know I may not be the best person to talk to at times but just know I am always here."

Amelia frowned, "Are you basically saying that if I am depressed I can take to you?"

House looked at her trying to figure out what she is feeling by looking though her eyes, "I guess so."

Amelia looked at him still, "I am already depressed House, I've been for a while."

House frowned, "I'm sorry Amelia."

Amelia looked at him hugged him tightly once more and said, "It's not your fault House. None of it is. You were the one who fixed my broken life, you fixed me. You brought hope into my life, you accepted me for who I am. No one had ever done that for me. For that I am thankful for. Thank you."

House froze for a second then hugged Amelia back, "I will always be here Amelia, always."

Wilson was watching nearby during the whole thing, making sure House did not screw anything up. At one point he thought something bad was happening but it ended with a hug. He knew the exact moment when House told Amelia, but to her surprise she didn't take it badly. It actually looked like she was making fun of House for almost crying. Which in Wilson's view was very funny. House sat with her and they talked for a while until Amelia fell asleep. House slowly got up after a few minutes of just watching her, to Wilson's surprise kissed her head and quietly left the room. But he didn't leave before scribbling a small note on a piece of paper and tucking it by her head so she sees it when she gets up. House quietly closes the door and turns around to see Wilson leaning against the wall watching him.

House opens his mouth already irritated with Wilson, "Were you watching us the whole time?"

Wilson smiles, "Just the whole thing."

House glares at Wilson then walks toward his office. Like he predicted Wilson followed him. When he got to his office he attempted to slam the door of Wilson but fail when he put his hand out quickly and opened the door before it could slam on him.

House rolled his eyes and turned toward Wilson, "What do you want?"

Wilson used his hands to talk, "I, want to know, what you wrote on that paper."

House smirked toward Wilson, "No, it's between her and I. And if you steal it bad things will happen to you Wilson."

Wilson groaned, "Fine! When Amelia wakes up lets go get lunch."

House turned around and grabbed his tennis ball and said, "See ya."

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