Chapter Ten:

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Amelia continues to decline and House is still stuck in the elevator. Amelia was scheduled for a CT scan in ten minutes and House starts to pace around the elevator. When Wilson isn't talking to Amelia he is on the phone with House and when he isn't on the phone with House he is comforting Amelia. Amelia continues to cough blood and now is wheezing. House was silently freaking out in the elevator wanting to get up to her. He didn't want her to be alone when she got her CT done and if she had to go into surgery. He knows what it is like to be alone all to well and he does not want Amelia to be alone. She already had many bad things happen to her in her life, she does not need to be alone for this it is too big. The young girl already is in constant pain like House she does not need cancer to top that. House finally gave up on pacing and sat down on the ground and hit his head against the wall.

He shouted, "Why? Why out of all the people and diseases in the world, does Amelia have to get what I have and cancer?"

House did not want to believe that she had cancer, he refused to believe it. He continued to mummer things to himself like; why and she can't have it. House finally looked up his eyes red tears that he did not know was coming down his face, wetting his shirt when his phone buzzed. House quickly took it out and noticed it was not from Wilson but from Cuddy.

House picked it up, "What?"

Cuddy responded, "House please stay calm, but we can't fix the elevator for another hour or two."

House stood up and waked his cane on the wall, "What?! No! You need to get me out of here! My patient, my daughter is about to find out if she has cancer! I want to be there with her when that happens!" House did not even noticed he called Amelia his daughter.

"I will see if we can fix it soon, I'm sorry House. Did you just call her your daughter?" Cuddy asked her smirk almost showing through the phone.

"Shut up Cuddy. Just get me out of here," House says before slamming his phone shut.

House notices that his phone says one missed call, he checks it and sees it is from Wilson. Panic fills House again. While Cuddy called him Wilson also did. Wilson should have got the results by now, and Cuddy only called to tell House that he wasn't getting out for a while. House could not deal with the pain he took out his Vicodin popped a few in his mouth and dialed Wilson's number. It goes straight to voice mail. House panics more and calls again, again no answer. House calls again, and again, and again, and again, each ending in the same result.

House gets angry and goes to the speaker and presses the button and yells, "You better get me out of here now! No one is answering me and my patient may have cancer!"

The same lady picks up with an annoyed voice, "Doctor House we are trying our best to get you out of there."

House gets fed up, "No you aren't! You have no right to be annoyed! You're probably sitting at a desk drinking coffee while I was having a good morning until this happened! And now my patient may have cancer and I need to be up there with her!"

The lady picks up, "What makes this patient any different, you never meet your patients."

House rolls his eyes, "Shut up and get me out of here!"

House's phone buzzes and he picks it up without looking at the caller ID.

"You took her and I will get her back," says a raspy voice on the other end; female.

"I will hunt you down and skin you alive. Bring us her tomorrow at noon behind the old grocery store and no harm will come to you but I can't say the same about her," says a low male voice before the line goes dead.

House just looks down at his cell phone stunned until his phone rings again and it says Wilson. House fills with worry, anger, sadness, and hope as he quickly opens his phone and begins to talk.

"Talk Wilson," House says frantically.

"The CT scans came back," Wilson says blankly.

"Wilson, what did it show," House shouts into the phone.

"You should be up here House, she can't be alone," Wilson says sadly.

House goes silent the phone sliding out of his hand clattering onto the floor. He knows what Wilson is talking about and he knows that Amelia can't be alone especially now. Amelia was already a broken girl. She used the tough, sarcastic, and smart personality to cover her brokenness up. He knows this because that is what he did, does. Amelia is so much like him, she is stubborn, sarcastic, smart, and acts as so nothing bothers her when really lots of stuff is eating at her inside. Amelia's case isn't interesting but House still took it, not just because it presented similar to his own but right when he saw her, he knew he needed to save her. She was exactly like him that was intruded her, but she opened up to him and him only. She trusts him and him only. She shows her soft side to him and him only. She is like him, they get along, and she is the only one that has ever truly loved him. She gets him and he gets her. She is the only one that gets him and he is the only one that gets her. They are born of the same personality. The are similar in so many ways that it is scary.

House was deep in thought when the intercom came on and instead of the annoying lady it was Cuddy.

"House? House are you there," Cuddy asks worry hidden in her voice but House could find it.

"Yes, I'm here," House says standing up.

"House we are almost done fixing it, the elevator should be moving.... now," she says as the elevator starts moving.

"Great..." House says as the doors open and he is faced with his team and Wilson. Wilson runs up to House as he gets out of the elevator.

"House! I'm so sorry! But we should go tell her," Wilson says his face covered with care and worry.

"I know," House says sadly walking toward Amelia's room.

Wilson runs behind House trying to get him to stop. When they get to her room and House sees her, his heart breaks. She is laying in the bed looking so small. She was as pale as her blankets, and her lips were cracked and stained with blood. She weakly turns toward the door and sees him she weakly smiles and waves to House. House waves back to her reaching for the door handle but Wilson stops him.

"House, are you sure you can do this," Wilson asks.

"I don't know," House says frowning.

"I can come with you," Wilson offers.

"No, just me. I'm the only one going in there and she is hearing this from me and only me," House says reaching for the door.

He takes a deep breath and walks into the room.

{Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Last week was the end of the quarter and I had quarter finals so I had to study. I will try to update as much as I can, at least once a week. If I forget to update or can't update I will try to update twice the following week. Thank you so much for all the loving comments, messages and stars! Love ya guys, thanks for reading.

If you want to see anything happen just message me and I will try to put it in the next few chapters.}

~The Author

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