Chapter Five:

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House was seriously planning on adopting Amelia, he just needs to talk with her first to see if she would like to have him as a guardian. Amelia was finally out of surgery and was in her room still sleeping. House was pacing his office when Wilson walked in informing him that she was waking up. House picks up his cane and slides his bottle of pills in his pocket and stalks out of his office heading toward Amelia's room. House slightly smiles when he sees her laying in the bed, trying not to wake her he walks in as quietly as he can with his cane and sits in the chair next to her hospital bed. He makes the mistake of trying to move the chair closer and I squeaks waking the girl up.

She opens one eye and smirks, "Not the quiet type I'm guessing. You walked in here quit quietly but moving the chair ruined it. I was going to somehow scare you but you ruined it with the chair."

House chuckles slightly, "How long were you up?"

"Since Wilson walked out of the room. I assume he was coming to tell you. Apparently you kind of like me so I also assumed that you would be here soon, so I faked me being asleep. If you weren't distracted you would have looked at the monitors seeing that my heart beat wasn't steady, revealing I was awake," Amelia reports back a small grin playing on her lips.

"Your very smart for a 14 year old," House says admiring the kid.

"Even if I have a rough life, I take priority into my school work. I'm a freshman taking AP and Senior classes House," she says raising her eyebrow a small accent reflecting in her voice.

"Wow. How are you feeling," House asks her.

"A little better. My leg still hurts like hell, but I guess not as back as usual," Amelia sits up watching House closely. "Why are you here?"

"I can't just visit a patient without being bombed with questions," House says sarcastically.

"First you never visit patients without a reason. Second even then you don't visit them, you make one of the members of your team do it. Third I can tell something is bothering you, I won't ask because like me I can tell you don't like people asking questions," Amelia tells House.

"My team was right I really like you. You remind me of me," House says smiling at Amelia.

Amelia's face goes stern, "What do you want House. You never smile you want something, what is it?" House goes quiet biting his lip. "You don't have to tell me yet if you don't want to," Amelia tells House smiling a small smile placing a hand on his.

House smiles back at her, "I will tell you, just not yet."

"Okay, just let me know soon. I don't like waiting," Amelia says laughing.

"I'll see you later kid," House says getting up and walking out.

Right when he leaves and closes the door Amelia looks at him as he walks away and says, "What are you hiding House?"

House sits in his office playing on his game boy waiting for his sop to come on when Cameron walks in smiling. She puts her hand out saying, "You owe me fifty dollars, it was more than a sore muscle and dehydration."

House takes out a fifty hands it to Cameron and mutters, "I wish it was just a sore muscle and dehydration."

Cameron smiles sadly before walking out of the office towards Chase and Foreman. House assumes they are going out to dinner like they do every Friday night. House sits alone in his office, for once in his life he doesn't feel like watching his sop and grabs his cane walking out of the office toward Wilson's office. Once he gets outside the door he walks in without knocking, Wilson is alone doing paper work, he hardly looks up before muttering a hello. House walks over to his couch and lays down moving his leg painfully on the couch along with his other leg which is fine. He watches Wilson as he finishes up paper work.

"What is it House," Wilson asks putting his pen down looking at House.

"I think Amelia knows. At least she knows something is up. She's like me, she knows things before others do. Plus she basically admitted she knows something is up, but gave me time to tell her," House tells Wilson.

"You should just ask her House," Wilson says simply picking up his pen scribbling his signature on the paper and turning to the next.

"But what if something happens," House questions.

"Just do it House, before she leaves," Wilson says staring down House again.

House gets up and leaves walking toward Amelia's room, when he is just down the hall Cuddy blocks his path. House glares at her as she gives him another file.

"Another case, since you just finished your last one," she says.

"I'll look over it later," House says trying to get around Cuddy.

"Where are you going? Your not going to ask about the case," Cuddy questions House as he continues to get around her, she just keeps stepping in front of him.

"Who are you my mom," House says glaring daggers at Dr. Cuddy she glares back as well.

"No, I'm your boss," Cuddy retorts back at House his smirk slowly fades when there is a scream from a nearby room.

House's brain fills with panic, he is hoping that that scream did not come from Amelia's room. Deep down some place he knows it did come from her room. Also that the scream did not come from the pain in her leg but something else. Fear? No. Pain? Yes. House pushes Cuddy out of the way and quickly limps despite the screaming pain in his right leg. House finally found someone worth fighting for and he won't let her slip through his fingers. House battles though the pain as he limps fast turning into Amelia's room seeing her clutching her chest sobbing.

House drops his cane and runs over to her, leaning over Amelia, placing his hand on her head he notices she is burning up. A small pain shoots his heart as he turns around toward the door seeing Cuddy yell down the hall.

"I need some cooling blankets in here," he shouts out the door.  "Are you okay? What hurts?"

"My chest," she manages to say in between coughs.

House frantically grabs the cooling blankets placing them on her once they come through the door. Right after he places the last one Amelia sits up and coughs up blood onto her lap.

House's eyes widen and he turns toward Cuddy, "Looks like I don't need another case. This is two cases in one."

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