Chapter Fourteen:

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Amelia wakes up a few hours later in her new room.  Before opening her eyes she thinks to herself Let this not be a dream.  Let me still be with House at home.  Quickly Amelia opens her eyes and sits up looking around to see herself still in the apartment.  Thank you! Amelia quickly jumps up forgetting about her leg and collapses on the ground in pain, she whimpers a bit as she clutches her leg.  Amelia quickly tears her leather jacket off looking through all the pockets looking for the Vicodin to ease the pain, but she couldn't find it.  She looked around fiercely looking for the bottle.  Again she could not find it.  She let out a frustrated groan which caused House and Wilson to walk into her room. 

"What's wrong? We heard a thump," Wilson asked worried a bit.

"A little to late now.  I fell off the bed and forgot about my leg," she muttered giving him a death glare.

"I can see that.  Do you need help getting back up," Wilson asked offering his hand to her.

"What I need is my damn Vicodin! Then I might feel a bit better," she growls up at them.

House turns to Wilson frowning, "Where did you hid her Vicodin?"

Wilson quickly responds obviously guilty, "I didn't touch it House! Why would I?"

You half yell up at him, "For one, you hated when he gave it to me.  Two, you did it I can just tell on how your acting.  And finally three, I can see it inside your pocket.  If you are trying to hide something try a better hiding spot.  Just give it to me, I'm in pain."

Wilson groans and hands you the bottle, "Don't take a lot."

You smirk throwing some into your mouth, "Too late."

Amelia grips the end of the bed tightly and managed to pull herself up on the  first try.  She turns wobbling a bit and smirking toward the guys.  She wiggles her eyebrows before leaving the room limping badly not putting any weight on her leg.  House follows her with his eyes then walks after her,  Wilson stays behind and grabs the Vicodin bottle she left and slid it into his pocket.  He wasn't going to let her be like House, he wasn't going to let this drug change her just because she needed to ease the pain, there was other safer ways to ease the pain.  He quickly walks out of the room zippering his pocket and making sure the bottle was not visible.  

Wilson walks into the room with the television to see Amelia and House sitting on the couch both of their legs up on the coffee table, by the looks of it there was no room for him to sit so he quickly left the apartment with the bottle still in his pocket.  

Amelia and House both watch House's favorite sop,  Amelia corrects the doctors a few times saying they made the wrong call that it should have been something else; which she named what it should have been.  She was correct each time, she caught on to it quicker than House did after a few episodes House turned toward her.

"You make it no fun," he says making a fake pouting face.

Amelia frowns, "What are you talking about House?"

"Have you seen these before? You correct them and always have the right answer," House says raising his eyebrow slightly.

"No, and my question for you is how do you figure it out so slowly? It is right there in the symptoms of the patient.  Gees House how are you a doctor," Amelia jokes lightly shoving him.

Amelia looks back to the television but doesn't really pay attention, instead she day dreams.  After a while House notices and says tapping her shoulder, "Amelia?"

She snaps out of it turning toward House, "Hmm."

"You okay," asked House.

"Yeah, leg hurts.  But that's how life is I guess,"  she says the next part quietly to herself but House hears it.  "It always is and was, everything always hurt."

House turns toward her again, "Hey how about tomorrow you come to work with me?"

Amelia glances over towards him, "But I just got out of the hospital."

House quickly responds, "No as a patient, as a member of my team."

Amelia raises an eyebrow, "But I am only fourteen."

House smirks, "I know.  But you catch on to things quicker and better than my team does."

Amelia raises her eyebrows again, "So you want to basically show them up.  Make them feel stupid because a fourteen year old can solve the cases quicker and better than they can?"

"That is exactly right," House says.  "What do you say?"

"Sure, lets just hope I don't beat the great Gregory House at his own game.  Yet that would be good for me," Amelia says smirking. 

After talking and joking around for a while Amelia retreats to her bedroom and places the jeans and tank top she got along with her boots and a sweatshirt she found in her dresser out for the next day.  She sneaks into House's room and grabs one of his shirts to sleep in.  She slides it on over her sports bra.  She limps to her bed wearing nothing but the shirt, her bare feet on the hard wood ground.  It takes a few times to get herself up on the bed due to her leg but she manages to get herself up there after around twenty tries.  She subconsciously rubs her leg and roles over and falls asleep.  

Amelia gets a good night sleep in until it reaches two o'clock in the morning.  She wakes up screaming rolling over clutching onto her leg.  She instantly feels dizzy and tries to find her Vicodin but she can not find it.  Curse Wilson she thinks was House quickly limps in.

"What's wrong Amelia," he says frantic.

"Curse Wilson," She cries squeezing her leg, it start bleeding from her nails digging into her flesh.  But that pain is less painful than the one her leg is causing her.

"Why? What's wrong? You need to tell me or I can not help you," House says frantically raising his voice.

"M-my leg.  He took my damn Vicodin again.  My leg is worse now than ever," she cries out in pain.

House quickly takes out his bottle of Vicodin and hands some to Amelia who takes it from him gratefully.  She sighs as the pain eases. House turns to walk out but Amelia stops him.

"House?" she asks her voice still raspy from crying.

"Yes Amelia," he asks turning around again.

"Will you stay here with me," she asks quietly.

House answers  but walking over to her and laying down next to her.  She places her head on his chest and quickly falls asleep.

"For you Amelia I will do anything," House whispers into the darkness and Amelia smiles in her sleep.

This was the family she always wanted.  Even though it was just her and House.  This was enough for her.

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