Chapter Thirteen:

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Broken.  Broken.  That's what Amelia felt like right now, nothing else.  All she thought about was her past, and nothing of the future.  Amelia wouldn't think about anything, just how broken she was.  Amelia, the broken, scared little girl.  Ever since she got to the hospital she was able to hide her depression pretty well, but when Wilson found her scars he noticed how broken she truly was.  Amelia wasn't the loud, annoying, confident girl she showed.  She really was just a broken lost little girl.  Amelia sat shrunken in her bed waiting for House.  What will happen when he finds out?  Will he just throw her away like everyone else?  He probably will because everyone does.  Everyone finds out that she is broken then runs away and leaves her in the dirt.  Her parents did it, her foster homes did it.  House will do it, Wilson will do it.  She will do it.

Amelia already was depressed, not she walked with a limp, was in constant pain, and to top that all off she had cancer.  What can be worse?  Amelia was still day dreaming when House walked in.  The first thing he noticed was Amelia's different posture and her pained face.  He knew that pained face was from her leg, but it was also from something else, he just did not know yet, but he wanted to find out.  He smiles a small smile and taps the door with his cane.  She looks up and instantly her posture is back to normal and her face only shows a slight pain expression from her leg.  House knew from this moment she was acting, but he decided against calling her out.  

She looks up at him, speaking so her slight accent shows once again, "When am I getting out of this bloody hospital?"

House chuckles, "Soon.  Just gather your stuff and we will be on our way."

Amelia frowns slightly, "What stuff House?  I don't have anything but that raggedy old backpack I brought in, and the painkillers I was taking when I was admitted.  I have nothing...."

House frowns, "Um, okay.  Then do you want to head out and go home."

Amelia's face brightens a bit, "Home..... Yes."

House quickly grabs the pair of jeans, a plain black t-shirt, a black leather jacket, and black combat boots that Cameron got for Amelia by his request.  "Um, I had Cameron get this for you.  It's okay if you don't like it, I wanted you to have something to wear when we leave the hospital so you're not running naked across the property.  That would be pretty funny, but bad.  Anyway here."

Amelia quickly gets dressed when House steps out.  When House comes back in Amelia is already in the wheelchair ready to go,  together they go to Wilson's car which Wilson was waiting in to drive them to House's apartment.  All throughout the ride Amelia stayed quiet looking out the window and listening to House and Wilson's conversation.  Once in a while she laughs silently to herself.   Other times she looks up and sees on of the men looking at her through the mirror in between them.  Those times she is usually quiet and lost in thought.  She couldn't believe she was finally getting a home.  She was finally going to have someone she can relate to and trust, she thinks.  House seemed just  like her, not just the sarcastic part of him either.  She began to notice and unravel that he himself was also broken inside and was lost.  She felt deep down that House was on to her, that he knew.  But her subconscious pushed that aside and told her other wise.  

After a short time in the car listening to conversations and getting lost in thought, the car comes to a stop, both men get out and House opens the door to Amelia.  She steps out looking at the scene before her.  There is a large door and several steps,  the large door leads to a hallway where there are many other doors that are peoples apartments.  Wilson walks up the stairs with ease, House gets up the steps and waits for Amelia to come up.  Amelia slowly and painfully makes her way up the stairs Wilson insists on helping her several times but she refuses being stubborn.  House unlocks the door of his apartment and leads her in.  She smiles a small smile , House begins to show her around her new home, the last stop is what will be her room.  She smiles, she never had a room before,  she lays on the bed taking it all in.  When she feels two sets of eyes on her she sits up and subconsciously rubs her leg.  House notices and tosses her a bottle of Vicodin with her name on it.  

"Will make the pain better to deal with," House states throwing a few in his mouth as he says it.

"House! You can't just give her that!  She will become an addict like you," Wilson half shouts.

Amelia smirks throwing a few Vicodin in her own mouth smirking and laying back down, "To late."

"Ugh," Wilson says and walks away into the living room, House shortly follows.

"They will never understand what it is like to be me," Amelia says before drifting off to sleep.

Sorry I haven't updated in such a long time.  And sorry that this is a short chapter!  I have writers block for this book,  also I would love to get ideas from you guys to see what you guys want to happen.  Also you guys can make up characters and request that I put them in the book!  I think I am going to have Amelia start school in a few chapters I'm not sure yet!  Comment what you think, what you want to see, and anything else you would like to say! Thank you and I am so sorry

~The Author

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