Chapter 28- The Break Up

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~Sucker for Pain in the Media~

I sigh and turn off my alarm clock. I don't want to wake up but I have to.

"Ughhhh!" I scream while grabbing my things and going to take a shower. I turn the hot water on and let it hit my body and let the steam clear out my nose.

After being in for at least forty five minutes I step out and put on my clothes. I brush my teeth and put on my face cleanser. I leave the bathroom and go sit on my bed.

I look over at the clock and sigh. I woke up like two hours early.

"Ughhhh!" I scream. Who reset my clock? Great now I have a headache and I'm fully awake. I lay back on the bed and hear my phone get a notification. I reach to get it and see someone texted me.

I see it's Marcus and roll my eyes. I place my phone back down and look up at the ceiling. I hear my notification sound again and I don't even bother to look at my phone.

I throw my phone in my purse and go downstairs to wait on someone to get up. I would drive to school but I really don't feel like it. Then again if I drive I can leave on my own time. I smile and go to get the car keys.

I get in the car and turn the radio up. One of my favorite songs are playing.

"I'm just a sucker for pain! I wanna chain you up! I wanna tie you down!" I sing not even knowing if it's the correct words. I dance in the car until I feel the time is right to pull off. I decide to go get a coffee because I'm really gonna need it.

I stop by Starbucks and get a frappuccino. I feel a migraine coming along and decide to stop by the drug store. I go inside and go to the medicine aisle.

I grab a box of headache medicine and go to the register. I see some delicious looking candy bars and decide to get a king size KitKat and a pack of gum.

"Hey how are you this morning?" The cashier asks.

"Tired." I laugh.

"Tell me about it." She rings up my things and tells me to have a good day and I tell her the same. I get back in the car and take out a bottle of water. I take two pills and drown down some water. I put the bottle in the cup holder and drive out of the parking lot.

I finally get to school and see Jacob's car and decide to grab my frappuccino and go into the school. I see Jacob in the hallway and catch up with him.

"Hey girl." He says looking at my frappuccino. "Aw thanks." He says taking the cup.

"Oh no." I slowly take it back. "That's mine." I laugh.

"Ugh why didn't you get me one?"

"I wasn't thinking about you."

"Well then." I roll my eyes and laugh.

"I think I'll leave early today."


"I have a really bad headache and I don't feel like doing anything."

"You've been having a lot of headaches lately, you okay?"

"I think so but I think that I've been stressing too much so I keep getting bad headaches."

"Maybe it's about that time."

"I already had my period."

"No fool I'm talking about the time to break up with Marcus to release stress."

"Yea that."


"I don't know. It's just that I don't like being single."

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