Chapter 31- Graduation

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I wake up and turn off my alarm clock. I look over to see Jack asleep. Why is he in my bed? I laugh and notice that I'm naked. OMG! Jack and I had sex last night.

I quickly get out some clothes to go take a shower. While I'm in the shower I keep looking at the door. I don't know why but I feel like Jack will walk in here at any minute. Memories from what happened last night come to mind.

I step out of the shower in a towel and go to my room. I see Jack sitting on my bed fully clothed and typing away on his phone.

"Hey." I say grabbing my clothes off of the bed.

"Hi." He smiles at me.

"You brought extra clothes?"

"No. There Kyle's."

"Oh. Wait he knows?"

"He knows I'm here but he doesn't know why."

"Oh okay. I'm gonna go change in the bathroom."

"You know I just saw you naked right?"

"I know but it's still awkward."

"Fine. I'll be outside."

"Okay." I say walking into the bathroom as he walks out. After I put on my clothes I grab my things and go outside to the car. I get and the car and Jack just stares at me.

"What?" I ask as he laughs.

"I just had the best sex." He smiles and bites his lip.

"Whatever just drive." He laughs again and I roll my eyes. After driving in silence for a while I decide to say something. "So um when exactly was your first time?"

"Well it was sixth grade." He looks at me briefly.

"What?" He had sex six years before me.

"Yep." He doesn't look at me for a while.

"Who was she?"


"Who was the girl?"

"She was the older sister of my old friend."

"How old was she?"

"At the time I think she was either in high school or her last year in middle school."


"Yea I'm not proud of it."

"I'm surprised. Most guys love to lose their virginty younger."

"Well I'm not most guys." I smile and he pulls into the school parking lot. We get out of the car and walk into the school. We see Jacob as we walk in.

"Hey." He says as we walk to class.

"Hey babe." I smile at him and he raises an eyebrow.

"Why so happy?"

"I'll tell you later."

"We had sex." Jack says as I smack his arm.

"What?" Jacob stops walking. "Did you?"

"Ugh. Yes." I say rolling my eyes.

"O my gosh. But that means you're-"

"Yea I'm not a virgin anymore."

"Does anyone else know?"

"No and I would like to keep it that way you two."

"You say that like we talk a lot." Jack shrugs.

"Exactly." Jacob agrees.

"That's because you do." I state as we walk into the class.

"So class as you all know graduation is next week." The teacher says as my eyes widen. It's just next week. I just started school and now I'm graduating. "So we won't be doing much in this class because I've put all the grades in. I would give you work anyway but I'm not going to grade it so it's no point."

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