Chapter 29- Me, Myself, and I

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I grab my phone and go on Snapchat.

"So everyone I guess I'm single now." I say with a fake smile. I block Marcus from seeing my snap and post it. I go to my messages and see Marcus's name.

'My Baby😘❤' was his name in my contacts but not anymore. I change his name to 'Don't answer' and look at the messages. My hand wavers over the delete button and I can't decide whether to delete the messages or not.

I throw my phone down on the bed and lay back down. Sometimes I really want to commit suicide. I cry and cry into my pillow until it's soaking and I turn it over.

Why did I allow him to do this to me? I actually loved this boy. I actually thought about marrying this boy. I actually -

A knock on the door stops my train of thought.

"Who is it?" I ask trying not to sound like I've been crying.

"It's uh me Alex." He says as my eyes widen.

"What do you want?"



"I want you to open the door."

"Ugh." I groan while walking to the door.

"What's wrong?" He asks as I lay down on the bed.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yea hit me."

"Be completely honest. Am I a slut?"

"What? No! Why would you think that?"

"Mar- someone made me feel like I was one."

"Well you're not. And what's wrong with you anyway?"

"I don't really want to talk about it."

"Oh well I guess I'll leave you alone. And me and the guys are about to go out, wanna come?"

"No thanks. I'd rather stay home and be by myself."

"You sure? Your boyfriend's gonna be there."

"Get the fuck out." I roll my eyes.

"Woah. Damn just thought I'd tell you." He says leaving. I remember there was a time I used to think I'd date Alex.

And why does Marcus feel like I've talked to his best friends? I dated Jack before he was even thought of and I never dated Alex or Kenny. I just kissed Alex twice but me and Marcus weren't together.

I've never cheated on him and I never would have. I guess some people don't appreciate who and what they have in their life. If he plans on being with that other girl I guess he doesn't mind being cheated on.

But that none of my business. Sip tea. I go and take a long hot shower and decide to head to bed. I toss and turn all night but finally manage to tire myself out.


I actually wake up earlier than usual because I went to sleep earlier than usual. I turn the alarm off on my clock and sit on the bed. I look down at my feet as they swing back and forth. I wonder how today's going to go.

I honestly don't want to go to school but the year's almost over so I might as well go the last days. I go and look into mirror. I look like a monster. I have the definition of bed head right now.

"Ughhhh! School!" I scream as I hear someone coming to my room. I look over to see my dad standing there in his robe.

"Good morning Kyla." He smiles leaning against the wall.

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