You Little Whore

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"Wake the fuck up."

I groaned, furiously fighting back as a hand forcefully ripped the sheets away from me. I was beginning to hate myself for giving her a spare of the damn house keys.

"You're a fucking bitch. I fucking hate your ass!"

Zoe let out a laugh as she flipped me off with both fingers. She can be so immature sometimes.

" act like I did something bad. I just woke you up Adeline."

Zoe disappeared into my closet to pick out an outfit for me.

She never did like how I dressed.

I was more of a t shirt and jeans kind of girl.

Last night.

Before I could even think about the chaos of last night, I was interrupted by Zoe's not-so-great voice.

"Waking up
beside you I'm a loaded gun
I can't contain this anymore
I'm all yours, I've got no control, no control
And I don't care it's obvious
I just can't get enough of you
The pedals down, my eyes are closed
No control..."

"Omg shut the fuck up I'm awake now. Thanks to your shitty voice. You can't sing by the way. "
I stuck at my tongue.

We play too much.

How could she be so happy this early in the morning, especially on a Sunday?

She wasn't normal.

Everybody knows that's a leave me the fuck alone and let me sleep kind of day.

"Can't you believe it. My babies are talking about boners. That's hot."

Ugh Zoe can be so weird sometimes.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened last night." Zoe stuck her head out of the closet and winked.

I froze.

Everything that happened last night just hit me hard. Zoe is my best friend but there's somethings you just have to keep to yourself.

I just couldn't tell her I kissed a girl.

I couldn't even believe it myself.

The words were too foreign to me.

To be honest, I was embarrassed. What will she think of me? It's silly but I regretted it, I should've kissed a boy.

I should have kissed Liam.

Liam was the guy I pathetically dreamt of having my first kiss with since freshmen year.

I realized I was taking too long to respond when Zoe waved her hands a few inches away from my face.

"Earth to Adeline. "

Her eyes widen.

"Is that a hickey!"

Oh shit.

"What-t-t no! I i fell... it's a bruise. "
There I was lying my ass off.

World's best liar..yup that's me.

"Yeah, of course. How did you fall and managed to bruise your neck?" Her voice had a hint of sarcasm.

What can I really say? It sure looks like a hickey.

Well no duh. It was a hickey.

"Okay fine. It a hickey. Happy." I threw my hands up in defeat.

"No duh. With who? When? Where? Why would you do that?" Her voice kind of sounded serious and a bit hurt.

I was still halfway asleep to deal with this.

I couldn't function.

I knew the second I admitted that it was a hickey she would bombard me with questions.

With Ember.

After you told everyone I haven't had my first kiss. Thanks for that...really.

In the bathroom.

"Um yeah I was. "

"LIAM. It was Liam wasn't it!" She raised her voice.

"Yeah it was Liam."

I lied.

Sorry sorry SORRYYYYY!!!!. I haven't been posting. I accidentally logged out of my account and didn't remember the password. It took me dayssss to finally log in but thank you SOO much for the great feedback guys. It was amazing to log back in and get so many notifications. Follow me /comment/vote. I'll really appreciate it. If you guys have any ideas, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I'm not sure what's gonna happen with the whole Ember/Adeline/Liam situation. Maybe she'll end up with one of them or maybe she won't. Maybe Ember is not even gay?? Or Adeline is not gay?? Hahah I really don't know what I'll do but thanks again! Really appreciate it. More updates are coming soon!!!

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