I dont love you

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"What do you want." The man demanded, looking at both Ember and I.

I swallowed hard.

He was clearly drunk, leaning towards the doorway. He tried to stay in place but he kept swaying back in forth.

I smelled the hard liquor from his breath from where I stood.

His face looked exhausted. He was about 6 feet something, easily towering over the two of us. His thick brown hair had a few silver strands on the side. It was ruffled up in a messy state, almost as if he just woke up from a deep sleep.

His grey shirt looked stretched like if someone tucked at it furiously. I noticed some redness under his eyes, maybe from irritation or from a recent punch to the eye. He was a fairly muscular man even for his age.

"Umm...is Liam here?" Ember asked, immediately causing me to snap out of it.

"No." The man replied, no emotion in his voice whatsoever.

"Oh..okay, can you tell him we stopped by."
Ember began to say as the man started closing the door, slowly nodding.

something overcame me

I quickly pulled out my hand, grabbing the knob and abruptly stopping the door before it completely closed. In return, the man looked at me shocked and Ember shot me a confused and startled look.

"You son of a bìtch, where's Liam and what have you done to him. Did you hurt him?" I yelled at his face, standing up on my tippy toes, and fiercely pointing my finger at his chest.

"What the hell are you talking about? Go home before I call the cops." He yelled back, a vein appeared in his neck.

"Call them, they should take your ass to jail for what you do to Liam."

His face completely changed, he seemed to be getting angrier as I kept accusing him.

"You really don't want me to call them little girl. " He threatened, smiling down at me.

"I'll call them right now."

Ember grabbed my arm, pulling me back from him.

"I'm a cop." He simply stated, crossing his arms, expecting to get a reaction out of me.

"Oh." Ember whispered, unexpectedly grabbing my shoulders and turning me around.

"No! We can't leave. Not without Liam." I pulled away from her hold and turned back.

"He's not here. Leave before I call them. You're disrupting the neighborhood. "

I paused, pleading with Ember to stay.

Suddenly, Liam arose from the back, pushing pass the man, which caused the man to turn around and block the entrance.

"Let me pass Steve. " Liam yelled back.

"Liam." I screamed, happy that he was okay.

Liam came into view.

"Adeline, babe. What are you doing here?" Liam asked, puzzled by my visit.

"I...I just...Oh my god Liam, what did he-"

"I don't want you here Adeline, get the fuck away from my house."

His lip was badly beaten, the corner was bleeding. A small bruise of purple and blue marked his left cheek.

Steve placed an arm in front of Liam, blocking him once again, and abruptly slammed the door.

"What the hell was that all about? Does he...does he hit Liam?" Ember asked, still shaking by the interaction.

"He...he does." I whispered, still looking at the closed door.

I stood there for a couple of seconds, unable to force myself to leave Liam.

"Then we're not leaving..not without Liam. " She looked at me before pounding on the door, yelling profanities.

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut the fuck up Liam."

"Open the fucking door, or we're calling the cops on your drunken ass." Ember yelled back, furiously yanking on the door knob.

I stood there speechless.

Why did Liam want me to leave?

Why would he say those stuff?

The door suddenly opened,we both looked up.

Liam walked out angrily, grabbing both my shoulders, and looking me straight in the eyes.

"I told you to get the fuck away from my house Adeline. I don't want you here." Liam yelled, digging his nails into my collar bone with every word.

"But I was scared...I was worried..Liam, you're owww...you're hurting me." I sobbed, pleading him to stop.

I didn't like it when he got like this.

He told me he would change.

Ember stepped in between us, shooting Liam a bitchy look.

"Leave and don't come back."

"Liam...no you're just pushing me away. This isn't like you. You can't be ser-ious. You-you love me." I walked around Ember, trying to get a hold of Liam. I grabbed his face, cupping his cheeks and forcing him to look at me.

"I don't love you Adeline. I never did and I never will." His eyes fell to the ground.

He started playing with his fingers again. I tried to speak but it hurt me. He hurt me.

"You don't mean that...Liam please stop." I started hyperventilating.

He didn't even care to look at me. Liam turned away from me and started walking to his car, ignoring my constant pleads to stay.

"Please...please don't do this." I yelled, falling to the ground.

Suddenly, I felt drops of water falling on my face, masking my tears.

It was raining.

I saw Liam pulling out of the driveway and drive away into the night.

"Addy, please don't cry. Why didn't you tell me? Does he usually get like this?" Has he hurt you before?"

Ember pulled me up from the ground and into her arms.

"It's not his fault he hurts me. He didn't mean to. He never does. "I cried into her neck.

Ember held on tighter, muttering something  under her breath.

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