Reasons Why I'm Annoyed

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Sorry I'll do an intro soon, I promise.

Reasons I'm annoyed today (part one):

- School
- The amount of homework my teachers gave me over the weekend
- Satan's waterfall
- I think I'm catching a cold
-French class (I'm actually updating in French again.)
- The amount of work my teacher gave us to do (in school, it's not homework thank Lin.) to do when the sub is here.
- (^^ that was on purpose)
- The idiots (mostly boys) who think it's funny to say "triggered" all the time.
- Autocorrect again. It keeps capitalizing random words. Like I'm typing all and it autocorrected to ALL and I had to go back and change it.
- Cramps
- my nose is being a bitch and is really stuffed up
- I want food

Now since this post is so negative I'm going to put a couple things I'm grateful for today (part 1):
- my friends
- especially ShylyAngelic
- my loving family
- my adorable dog
- that it's Friday
- my amazing boyfriend
- the weekends tomorrow
- I'm in the last period of the day
- the sub doesn't seem to mind too much that I'm updating in class
- that today's the last day of September
- tomorrow's October
- I like October
- October's my birthday month
- I'm turning 16
- everyone reading this 😊

There we go: now you all know a little more about me :-). I hope you all are going to have a good weekend!!! Stay safe and stay happy. Zilro OUT!!

Ducking autocorrect.

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