I just took the written drivers test. The guy is correcting it now and I'm just sitting here worried af that I'm going to fail. I'll update later with whether I did or not. If I did I'll probably go and get a congratulatory bagel. If I didn't I'll probably go and get a sympathy bagel.
I like bagels.
Update: I passed!!!!!!! I didn't get a bagel tho cause my dad was already there to pick me up. I'm so glad that I passed cause now I just need to pass the practical test and I'll be able to get my license. :-)
I'm disappointed about the bagel tho. I like bagels.

Randomness And Pie
De TodoThis is just a random book that I'm going to treat as my journal/diary. I'll tell you what's going on in my life and rant about annoying stuff. I'm rating it mature for violence and just general, because I am a teenager, stuff is going to get intere...