It's like 10:30 over here and I'm supposed to be in bed and off my phone but I usually go to bed at 11 anyway so whatever. Anyway, I'm really bored cause my computer is still broken so I can't watch doctor who or netflix or anything. So I thought "hey why don't I update cause I totally have people who read this shit" (actually I do so quick shoutout to fandomtrashbean , allhailarceus , nightofgaming , buyadvertisingspace , @anyone else I forgot, sorry)
Anyway, how're you all doing? Glad you're reading this so thanks for that, that's pretty cool.
What do you guys want me to do next time I'm bored? I'll do anything but a face reveal. Like a Q&A, a tag-type thing, idk comment what you guys want. AND SERIOUSLY GUYS PLEASE COMMENT. I KNOW THAT YOUVE READ THIS CAUSE PEOPLE VOTE AND THEN NEVER COMMENT AND THAT MAKES ME SAD SO PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT THANK YOU.

Randomness And Pie
RandomThis is just a random book that I'm going to treat as my journal/diary. I'll tell you what's going on in my life and rant about annoying stuff. I'm rating it mature for violence and just general, because I am a teenager, stuff is going to get intere...