So it's like 10 to midnight where I am rn. And before you all yell at me to go to sleep let me explain myself.
A) it's a weekend I usually go to sleep at like 1 on the weekends
B) I was just babysitting. They said they'd be home around 10:30 then they came home at like 11:10. I got home a little before 11:30 then I was locked out of my house for like 5 mins (fun times amiright?) so I finally took my sleep meds but I have to wait a half hour for them to work. My computer is broken so I can't write (that's also why the one shot book isn't up yet so sorry bout that) I don't want to skype anyone cause I'd only do it for like 10 mins. I have to go to bed as close to midnight as I can cause I have to get up at like 8 tomorrow, unfortunately. So now I'm bored. BORED. NO ONE IS ON WATTPAD AND IM BORED.
So my solution to that is to share with you guys some of my photo roll on my phone cause why not. I'm gonna do that on the next chapter. Also my commentary might get weirder and weirder as I get more tired, just a warning. Enjoy!
Randomness And Pie
RandomThis is just a random book that I'm going to treat as my journal/diary. I'll tell you what's going on in my life and rant about annoying stuff. I'm rating it mature for violence and just general, because I am a teenager, stuff is going to get intere...