(I wrote this in response to Emma's chapter)
(This paragraph I use "you" in a more general sense) Love is a feeling. Feelings do not follow a logical path. You talk about "true" love but there's no way to "truly love". Love makes you happy. Love is when their voice makes you smile. Love is wanting to do anything for them and them wanting to do anything for you. Or at least that's how I see love. You may feel love differently. Someone else might feel love completely differently. But in the end there is no "right" way to love, there is no "true" way to love. There is only love.
(This paragraph the "you"s are specific although they can mean whoever you want them to mean) You may not forget your own needs. You will eat and sleep and take care of yourself because that's the only way you can take care of others. You can't take care of others in a hospital bed or a morgue. You are so important and don't tell me you aren't. Don't feel bad when you talk about yourself, I talk about myself way too often and it makes me feel better if you talk about yourself a little too. You have ever right to complain. About everything. It's okay if you want to complain as long as you're not being a jerk by doing so (trying to one-up someone, complaining about something racist/sexist/homophobic/etc). You are so amazing and you're not allowed to forget that.
(The you's are either general or specific. Pick one and run with it) You ask about how does one truly live. One lives in a way that makes you happy. I have only recently begun to learn this. I used to believe that I needed other people's approval. That once I got their approval I could be happy but I learned better. Live your life so that you are happy. If that means living recklessly then do it. If you want to swing from the rafters and snort pixie stix and make explosives (you know who I'm talking about), then do it. If you want to be careful and try to not make mistakes than do it.
Now, for everyone reading this I'm going to sum up these paragraphs with:
Grandma Beth's 3 pieces of wisdom:
1. Do what makes you happy. If it doesn't make you happy or will lead to something that makes you happy in the future then stop doing it. (For eg: Homework isn't fun but it will lead to college and later a job and not sleeping on the streets is fun)
2. Take care of yourself. Eat. Sleep. Drink water. If you can't do one of these the go see a doctor. I'm not kidding. Don't go "oh I don't like doctors" or dismiss this or something. IF SOMETHING IS STOPPING YOU FROM GETTING ONE OF THESE THINGS THEN GO SEE A FRIGGEN DOCTOR. I DON'T CARE IF YOU THINK THAT IT'S NOT GOING TO HELP. IT JUST MIGHT.
3. This is the Golden Rule of wisdom I'm going to give you: If it's hurting someone then stop. I don't care if it's just a joke or you didn't mean it or if you think they're being sensitive. If they ask you to stop then stop. If it seems like you're hurting them then stop. Apologize, drop the subject and move on. Or apologize, help them fix it and move on.
So basically: 1. Do what makes you happy. 2. Take care of yourself. 3. Don't be a dick.
Bonus piece of wisdom: Cookies.So that is my response to your chapter Emma, oh that and, go to sleep gdi you were up at 3 in the morning.

Randomness And Pie
CasualeThis is just a random book that I'm going to treat as my journal/diary. I'll tell you what's going on in my life and rant about annoying stuff. I'm rating it mature for violence and just general, because I am a teenager, stuff is going to get intere...