So there is this musical which I saw last year and I've fallen in love with. It is called Assassins and I particularly love this one song called Balled of Booth.
The musical is by Stephen Sondheim and is about some of the people who have either assassinated or attempted to assassinate a president. This one song is the second song in the musical and is about John Wilkes Booth (trigger warning for suicide/ gunshot.) But I'm not here to geek out about the musical (I can do that later) No, I'm here to share when you one of my favorite lines from this song.
It occurs around 7:45, after Booth has killed himself (I would like to point out that that's not historically accurate) and the Balladeer (the narrator) sings
Listen to the stories/ hear it in the songs/ Angry men don't write the rules/and guns don't right the wrongsAngry men don't write the rules and guns don't right the wrongs. This line really resonates with me. And I thought I'd share it with everyone. Just put this out here cause of everything going on right now.
Guns don't right the wrongs.

Randomness And Pie
AcakThis is just a random book that I'm going to treat as my journal/diary. I'll tell you what's going on in my life and rant about annoying stuff. I'm rating it mature for violence and just general, because I am a teenager, stuff is going to get intere...