5 years old...
"Calem?" A little girl with brown pigtails walked up to the other boy, who glanced uncomfortably to the other side, where a girl with a bob of honey-blonde hair and pale blue eyes stood talking to another.
"Shauna?" The boy looked up. He had black hair and silver eyes. A fletchling sat on his head. He didn't seem that happy to see her, but the little girl was smiling so happily he went along with it.
"Uh...Hi? Calem looked to the side, and continued to stare at the other girl.
"Are you stawing at Sewena again?" Shauna giggled a little, as did her espurr, who was playing with the boy's pokemon.
"N-no!" Calem stammered, blushing.
"Do you like her?"
"N-no! My mom always said you can't like a girl until you're both all grown up!"
"Not even me?" Shauna seemed a little dismayed, but she shook it off.
"You're always stawing at her. Don't you ever want to come and play with me? Or twevor and Tierno?"
"Yeah- but- Serena asked me..."
"Then you could go play with her! Come on, I'll take you!"
"no- Shauna, I don't-"
"Then who do you want to play with?"
"I- I-" He was about to say Serena, but realised Shauna might not want to hear that. "I don't want to play with anyone."
"Not even me?"
"Calem?" The boy turned round, and saw another girl standing next to him. Serena. He tried not to feel surprised. "You wanna play?"
"You weally should, Calem!" Shauna smiled happily. Calem smiled back, but he hesitated a little. What if...
"Calem?" Shauna nudged him. "Serena's waiting! Do you want to play?" Her green eyes smiled at his.
"Uh..." he didn't really know what to say. Shauna looked at him expectantly. And he realised he didn't want to upset her. "Yeah, I do!" He said happily.
"I'm glad." Shauna smiled.
10 years old...
"Hey, Shauna!"
"Yes Calem?"
"I've chose my starter pokemon? Have you?"
"Oh- I haven't yet. Who did you choose?"
"I picked Chespin. Why?"
"N-nothing. See ya!"
I don't want him to fall to hard on his first loss... Fennekin, I'll have to pick you next time... Froakie, you're mine!"
At parfum palace
"I've never watched fireworks with a boy before." Let alone a boy I like. As in, like like. Or maybe love. Or maybe both... Shauna sighed. Calem really was something...
"Calem, I want to tell you something..."
"You know, I've always wanted fennekin for my starter..."
"Why d'you pick froakie then?"
"Well- I- Serena dared me to have a battle with you first thing after we got our starters, and I didn't want you to fall to hard on your first loss... When I heard you picked Chespin, I knew whoever I wanted, I had to pick froakie for your good..."
"You did that?"
"Y-yes... And Calem, I've been watching you and Serena since for ages... Y-you may not know it, but i really like you Calem... but I wanted you to be happy with Serena..."
"Shauna- I-"
"it's ok though, I- I just want you to be happy and have the bright tomorrow you wished for..."
"Shauna, I like you too..."
"R-really? Then you won't mind this then..." She leant forward, and gently kissed him on the cheek. Calem looked startled, but she smiled at him. "We're allowed to like each other now. We're both all grown up."6