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A feeling of coziness overcome you while watching the rugged pair on the other side of the ring. The grand hound is snoozing away across his master's legs, while the Inuzuka absently pets the grass-covered fur, attention on the turning bottle. A streak of dirt partially obscures his left marking, making you wonder if they rushed here straight from training.

"Hey, Akamaru! Looks like we got lucky!" The exclamation startles the animal awake; seemingly torn between happiness at his partner's sudden howl and grumpiness when he is forcefully pushed from his resting place. Stretching with a groan, the dog lover opens his eyes and beams at you.

Two large strides later, he is close enough that you can feel his body heat radiating towards you. A strong hand settles in your hair, dragging you even closer, to a world of tan skin and wild eyes. Touching his nose to yours, he speaks, "You smell amazing. I can't control myself anymore." Before cutting the last distance.

Nails claw at the base of your skull as his hungry lips molds with yours. His intensity makes you instinctively latch on to his soft hoodie, fingers burying deep inside the material; trying your best to stay standing through his consuming kiss. Your movement quells Kiba's initial roughness. His free arm shoots out to secure you to him with a pleased rumble, slowing to a content exploration of your mouth instead.

Nipping at you one last time he pulls your head back a bit. Face bright with mischief as he slips into his usual wolfish grin. "Heh, don't you dare think that was it!" He teases, taking your palm like it is the most natural thing in the world and tugs you down with him. Leaning you against his side, he starts tracing idle patterns at your hip, sending delightful shivers through your body. Akamaru soon comes over and lays himself beside you, tail wagging lazily.

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