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The bottle stops on Kimimaro who regards you with some amount of measured curiosity. You blush while getting up and make your way to the circle's center as he follows suit.

When in arms reach of each other he uses one hand to pull you close, fingers gently trailing down your spine, tracing each vertebra.

You shudder, looking down, not wanting him to see your blush intensify.

Kimimaro however don't let you get away as he takes your chin in his free hand and angles your head so that he can look into your eyes. "So soft... So breakable. Like a flower..." he murmurs quietly before claiming your lips. Slow and deliberate are his movements, and had he not tightened his grip around you right then, you would undoubtedly have fallen to the ground. After about a minute he reluctantly release your lips, only to lean down and whisper in your ear "My purpose... Is whatever you make it out to be.".

Still shocked by the kiss you barely register his words, but come back to reality as Kimimaro pulls you down to his lap at his original spot in the ring. An action which don't help remedy the seemingly ever constant blush, but considering the beautiful Kaguya that is holding you securely against his chest, you can't very well complain.

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