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The bottle lands on the always composed painter, currently engrossed in his canvas. You watch the way his wrist moves ever so fluidly over the paper, years of practice making themselves known.

Since he seems oblivious, you choose to walk to where he is seated. Folding your legs comfortably, you are careful not to tip the ink jar in front of him. You are about to say his name when he speaks up, attention still on his work. "A game where the point is to spin a bottle and get someone, preferably hot, to make out with. I don't see why Ugly is playing considering-"

A feminine growl makes him go silent. For a moment you think he is finished, when his low monotone starts anew. "Ah. I certainly received a favorable outcome then."

He has you fixed with a placid smile. At ease despite the fuming pinkette staring him down with a murderous glare. Warm fingers, mostly covered by a glove, settles on your cheek. Eliminating the chill from the cold room and effectively wiping your brain clean. You can only stare while his abdominal muscles flex as he bends over his lap to reach your lips.

Precise, calculated movements make a tremor run through your body. A multitude of emotions flits past you. Intrigue that the fascinating Root member would even care enough to participate in the first place. Confusion; he knows how to do this? Why is he so good? Giddiness at his earlier compliment and touch. Many others course through you during the kiss, but you fail to analyse any because of his next movement. Putting both palms on the floor for balance he increases his pressure. The new angle, allowing for heightened sensations, decrease you to a trembling mess.

Too quickly he ends the kiss, looking unfazed. Charcoal orbs study your by comparison disheveled appearance, making a curious hum in the back of his throat. "That expression is new... Let me sketch it?" He questions while steady hand takes your chin, gently holding it in place as something brightens his gaze. "I already know I have what it takes to please you. It will be worth your time." You can only gape the bluntness of his words and their hidden promise. The pale ninja waits patiently as the seconds tick by, face back in its blank mask.

Finally deciding your lack of offense is enough of an answer, Sai starts drawing with elegant strokes. Looking up every so often he gives the corner of your lips a caress, slipping you further into a state of disarray.

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