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The bottle stops on Kakuzu who surveys the game with his usual irritated expression. Someone bursts into a maniacal cackle, but quickly stops to the miser's angry command.

"Come." Intense eyes bores into yours.

With uncertainty and some reluctance you approach his seat.

A snarky comment followed by another loud laugh is heard. Green eyes holding incredible amounts of experience fix pink ones. Seconds pass before things quiet down.

"Sit." Deep baritone instructs as you reach your destination. Once you're seated he quite violently removes the mask, irritation clearly magnified from earlier. "This is really more trouble than it's worth."

A meek sorry makes its way through your throat, but is halted abruptly by warm, powerful lips. He dominates the kiss and his tall frame surrounds you when he brings you closer. Need for air on your part comes too soon and he let's you go. The white haired man at his left has seemingly gone into a laughing frenzy and embarrassment fills you.

Kakuzu spits out a vicious threat, is countered by a few creative curses before the bickering comes to an end.

"Hold this. Don't let it out of your sight." He re-covers his face then reposition you with your back against him before placing quite a heavy briefcase in your lap. Bringing money straps from nearby he leans over you, head hovering slightly above your shoulder and starts counting them, the numbers muttered softly in your ear.

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