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The bottle stops on Kakashi. He seemingly isn't paying any attention to the game. So you begin to make your way across the room towards him.

Coming to a stand at a respectable distance between you, you contemplate how to announce yourself. Blinking and taking a breath, you are suddenly flipped around and pressed to the two connecting walls Kakashi was leaning against a second ago.

Positioning his elbows close to either side of your head, he brings his own down, effectively creating some privacy. Finally shielded from prying stares he reveals his face to you, lacing it with a somewhat playful look.

"You shouldn't let you guard down, lest something like this may happen." With that he brings you into a kiss which speaks of knowledge and expertise, while his right hand is tracing lightly down your side. There is little you can do but go along with the ride and wish it would never end.

The hand eventually comes to your chin and he retreats. Opening your eyes you look to his clothed face and trademark 'smile', marveling at the speed he possesses.

Despite his outward expression, his next words are completely serious, "Now that you are carrying such valuable information I might have to keep an eye on you."

Naruto Spin the BottleWhere stories live. Discover now